What is your demon?



  • Fochizzy
    Fochizzy Posts: 505 Member
    ALCOHOL, I gained the weight after I turned 21 and started going out a ton...
  • cornerofgreystreet
    cornerofgreystreet Posts: 180 Member
    I basically ate and drank whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Depression, denial, laziness and bad eating habits.
  • jiggs31
    jiggs31 Posts: 117
    Demon... as in one??? Nope - I think I have a few.

    Main problem - I eat when I'm bored. I get bored easily, even at work. I eat or shop. Now I find something else to do instead.

    I also eat as a treat after a bad day at work. In the past I would also binge in secret on the way home from work....

    These in themselves are bad enough but were kinda manageable.

    Combined with no exercise and the better half (the chef of the household) working away for a year, that was the killer.
    Nobody to say 'why are you eating a whole box of cakes instead of a healthy dinner?' and nobody to see how many takeaways I was eating or how many McDonalds snack meals I was picking up at the train station before my journey home.

    No MFP to show just how many calories I was consuming so after this constant cycle over the space of a year I had put on over 28lbs. Tried to make myself feel better by buying a whole new wardrobe full of size 14 clothes. When they also started getting tight I knew I couldn't go on like that.

    So now I spin and eat better and move more and it is coming off and I'm much happier and LESS BORED!!!! :)
    Long may it continue!!
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    I am for sure an emotional eater!
  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 968 Member
    not paying attention to portion sizes and eating way too much at night, plus not exercising, I had a few demons
    these were alos mine. but since joining mfp i go to the gym 6 times a week,weigh everything andsnack on apples, yog and merangue nests :)
  • hafrench
    hafrench Posts: 5
    I gained my weight through a combination of lack of excercise due to work shcedules( was working different hours all the time, couldn't play organized sports the way i used to. I also am not very good with portion size when it comes to pasta and carbs.

    when i was younger and excercising all the time(organized sports, like soccer, basketball, rugby) i could eat whatever i wanted, unfortunately the activity slowed or even stopped and i continued to eat the same way.

    I also eat emotionally and if i am bored. Chocolate really does make it seem like everything will be better after you eat it!!lol

    I try to eat healthy things now when i am bored or feeling down, veggies/fruit. Haven't completely curbed that problem yet.

    Low-fat coolwhip is my friend although not terribly good for me, makes that piece of fruit seem so much better!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Laziness. I tend to "phone in" my exercise, as Jillian would say, when I know I'm capable of pushing myself much harder.

    And an all-too-regular cheeky Cabernet Sauvignon.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    My struggle is just with eating the right things and eating a variety of foods. I fell into a rut where I didn't feel like putting forth any energy to think about what I would eat, and I certainly didn't want to expend any energy to prepare it, so I ate toast for breakfast, toast for snacks. pasta or toast for lunch, and then a reasonably healthy dinner (because then I was preparing it for the whole family). My diet was really carb-heavy and low on nutrition, so I would eat more of it in an attempt to get more energy and feel better. Bam, 30 lbs in one year. Blech. I think I'll have to track my food even when I reach goal, because when I'm not logging I still end up reaching for the carbs and not getting enough protein or anything else.
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    I'm an emotional eater and boredom eater. I also hate wasting food, so anything my sons didn't finish, I ate. And beer. My fiance and I would go through a 30 pack in a night, twice a week. We cut back on that big time... I'm losing weight and we're saving money.
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    For 14 years I worked in retail. I was constantly on my feet and for the last year I was a stocker. 2-3 days a week I would be up at 3:30, at work by 4, and spend the morning lifting trays of canned food and heavy boxes. I would get off work by noon and go home and hit the recumbent bike while reading or watching TV. Then I would apply for jobs, clean the house a bit and make dinner. I would have liked to be thinner but I was at a healthy BMI.
    In November I got a job as an accountant. I have an MBA so it's what I wanted and I'm much happier here. However, I'm sitting all day and I don't get home until after 5. There's no time to spend an hour on my bike, or shampoo the carpet in half the house, or go for a long walk. My husband makes dinner. I gained 12 pounds in 4 months when I would have liked to lose 12 pounds.
    I also have a tendency to snack when I'm sitting. That certainly doesn't help.
  • snowsflake
    snowsflake Posts: 214 Member
    Food addict...TOTALLY! Emotional eater, binge eater, restricter then binger...basically I didn't know how to handle my emotions and so I ate to numb out. For me getting help with the emotional side has helped with the eating patterns. I also changed the type of food that ate - I know my trigger foods - which has been pizza and so I don't indulge unless I'm in a good place emotionally or it could start a downward spiral for me.

    I still HAVE to eat and I feel that I now have a better relationship with food and respect it more. I had to work from the inside out because for me being skinny and losing weight was all I ever wanted. I thought - THAT will make me happy. I'm not the size or weight that I "thought" would make me happy but I'm so beyond happy because I'm dealing with those emotional demons. I know the rest will come off and as long as I'm working out and eating right and having a balanced relationship with both. I have an extreme nature/personality - workout balls to the wall burn myself out and then hate it - eat perfectly "only this" "only that" then binge and I don't want to do that to myself anymore.

    Yoga has been helping me so much with the mind, body, spirit balance that I was missing and I feel so much better...
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    I WAS an emotional eater.......maybe even on the binge side.

    I'd love buying a tub of premade coconut pecan frosting and a spoon, and Voila, it was gone soon after opening.

    I think you have a food issue when you can relate to some food items as orgasmic!!!!
  • hastalawaista
    hastalawaista Posts: 5 Member
    Sheer laziness. Eating healthy takes planning and discipline. It's so much easier to grab something fattening and fast. I have a problem with overly processed foods. I'm also very inconsistent with exercise.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I gained weight from accepting a life that I wasn't happy with. I lost weight when I made several changes to improve my life (left my ex, graduated university, spent time cultivating myself.) And every time since I've lost the bulk of my weight if I gain a little it's usually because I'm not dealing with something.

    Things I'm prone to think the calories are "worth it": booze. I'd skip eating to make room for the calories. :tongue:
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 204
    Stress and I was in a major car accident 2.5 years ago, which put me out of commission.
    Got my clearance in November and started hitting the gym, have lost some of it, am working on the rest.
    Now all I have to deal with is the stress, caused by my job...I think it's time to take up my doctor's advice and find another job :wink:
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    College... aka... booze, drunk eating at all the horrible restaurants open till 2 am or later and not good choices in the cafeteria.
  • helenbeee
    helenbeee Posts: 130 Member
    emotional comfort (glad Ive nearly got this one under control)
    zombie eating
    empty platter syndrome (I had a lot of ravenous brothers growing up you had to fast and you had to eat it all)
    self loathing
    lack of exercise

    but Ive always had the desire to be fit and healthy that has never not been there....and this inspires me to keep trying. I will never ever give in and truly believe that one day I can conquer my battle with food.
  • sarahlouisah
    sarahlouisah Posts: 116
    where to start
    1 emotional eater
    2 huge portions
    3 boredom eater
    4 snacking
    5 bad choices e.g biscuits for breakfast
    6 eating late at night
    7 eating childrens leftovers
    8 eating husbands leftovers
    9 full fat milk
    10 not beleiving in myself and hiding behind the fat

    still binge eat occasionally for extended periods but recognise my triggers now