5'6" and 205. Anyone else?



  • RxDreamer2
    RxDreamer2 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm in. I'm 5' 6 1/2 inches. I weigh 261 (ugh) and want to get down to 150. I guess we'll be in this for awhile. I'd lost weight a number of years ago. I didn't reach goal but was not this heavy. I became ill and was put on this really strict eating regimen. Once I was better, I wanted NO dietary restrictions....Now I'm paying for my indulgence. So how do we do this support thing?

    Right there with ya! I'm 45 yo and 5' 6 3/4". (That 3/4ths count) Lol. I started at 258 and am down to 223. I "think " I'm a size 18. Pretty sure that's where I am. Feel free to add me as a friend and we'll get through this. I'd LOVE to see 150 or 160. Haven't see. That since my 20s.
  • Chanda777
    Chanda777 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm 5'4" and started at 248 pounds. I'm down 19 pounds. I started tracking on MyFitnessPal a couple days ago. I also follow a low carb diet.
  • StormiLu
    StormiLu Posts: 211 Member
    Hello, I am struggling hard on loosing weight. I have had two kids and I'm 5 6 and weighing at 202 203. My goal is 170. Could use the support. I have a bad habit of snacking all time on anything do to being a stay at home mom. Any friends are welcome.
  • amanda_deanne
    amanda_deanne Posts: 38 Member
    I'm 5"7 and currently 195ish so very close! My starting weight was 242 and my lowest was 170. I gained a bit with back to back pregnancies and I'm so ready to get back to where I was. That's my first goal and then I'll adjust from there. I carry my weight weird, so I look much smaller than I am and am currently in a 8/10 and would like to be a comfortable 6. My heaviest weight I was a 14/16.
  • Keepitup77
    Keepitup77 Posts: 13 Member
    Im 39 5'1 168lbs. Wish i could lose weight quick bit on meds that slow things down
  • Loug1983
    Loug1983 Posts: 89 Member
    I'm 33, 5'4" and currently 187lbs, I started at 214lbs and want lose a minimum of 30 more lbs though in reality probably more like 40/50. I started as a UK 16 and can now wear 14s, though not in everything, I'd be happy to get to a 12 but would love to be a 10, I've never been a 10 before in my life!

    Anyone feel free to add me.
  • clpmm1881
    clpmm1881 Posts: 17 Member
    Hey there!!!
  • kam3190
    kam3190 Posts: 157 Member
    Im 5 ft 6 and weigh 218. Started at 252. Currently wearing a size 22 Jeans
  • 1snowlady
    1snowlady Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 5'6" and weigh 215. I need help! I exercise at the Y 5 times a week. But eat like crazy once I get home from work! The evening is my BAD time. My goal weight is 180...and then I will rethink a new goal if I get to that one!
  • Hopelessone
    Hopelessone Posts: 270 Member
    edited December 2016
    I'm 57 years old, 5'5", started at 205 now 178 lbs hoping to get to 145-150. (Have lost the same 25 lbs for years :(. ). Feel free to add me. I have no idea how to add friends
  • cindaec
    cindaec Posts: 6 Member
    Right there with you, 33, 5'7" was 203lb now 196lb goal is 150lb. Let's start eating healthier and exercising! Add me!
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    I was 225 when I started down to 177 now, you can do this good luck