add me please, i need some friends for motivation :)

alise_lmx Posts: 292 Member
I've been on mfp now for about a month and a half, Iast time i did it I didn't have any "friends" but this time around I am realizing that I like the motivation! I like seeing how everyone is doing, and the workouts and food diaries inspire me on the days that I need it.

A little about me if you want to know: 29 years old, married and have a 5 year old son. Have one class left to get my masters in public accounting and will be starting the CPA exam soon as well (scary). I work part-time at a real estate development firm.

please add me! I try and return the favor of commenting and motivating my mfp friends too :)


  • I need all the friends i can too...=)
  • ncgatorfan
    ncgatorfan Posts: 517
    Right there with you, babe. Friend me and I'll give you as much support to get your butt going as you can handle! :)