Busy Mom's (new group) week 1

tagrady Posts: 172 Member
edited September 29 in Motivation and Support
This is a new group starting for Busy mom's, can be of 1 cherub or many!

Here we can support, challenge and encourage eachother to loose this weight for good!

Please start by introducing yourself, and telling us about your life & weight loss journey. Hoping to keep the group to no more than 10, so we can stay close:happy:


  • ☆ShawnsMom08☆
    ☆ShawnsMom08☆ Posts: 74 Member
    I'm interested! I'm a busy mom trying to balance everything. Its tough!

    My name is Magen and I'm 25. I have a three year son named Shawn. He can be a handfull. I work part time as a chiropractic assistant. My HW was 301. CW 215. Weigh in tomorrow. GW 175, I want to see what it looks like before anything is carved in stone :)

    Hi everyone! Feel free to add me!
  • Ladybuzz
    Ladybuzz Posts: 4
    I would like to be a part of this, I am 31 and have 3 little darlings, 2 boys 5 and 2 and a baby girl of nearly 6 months and I am currently on maternity leave.

    I have lost 21lbs so far (5 lbs since joining) and would like to lose another 28lbs if possible.
    I do pilates once a week and go to the gym once a week.

    I do find it hard sometimes to make sure i have something healthy and could really do with the support.
  • Hi my name is Crystal and I am 30 yrs. old who just recently moved from California to Indiana with my hubby. We have two small children a boy 20 months and a girl 6 1/2 months. I have always worked for the last 15 years and now I am a stay at home mommy for the last 7 months. i have gained 50 pounds since my first pregnancy with the little boy. I am struggling a bit trying to figure out day to day getting my exercise, cleaning and taking care of the kids all at once. It's a struggle some days but I manage.
  • kaligrl1
    kaligrl1 Posts: 54
    Good Morning Busy Moms, i am a mom of four amazing kids and 2 amazing step daughters. I work full time in law enforcement and would like to loose about 15-20 pounds by September, and another 10 December. Starting out with small goals. With 6 kids i dont have much time for myself but living a healthier lifestyle is very important to me.
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    Hi my name is Marinne and I'm a mom to 2 children. I'm 38 years old, 39 in August! I have lost almost 60 pounds. I still have 65 more to go! I live in Florida and it's really hot here. Hard to get motivated to exercise when it's so hot! I can't wait until winter and I can go outside to walk.
  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    Awesome! I'm married to my best friend just celebrated 10 years. We have 3 kids (2 girls age: 11 and 6 plus our busy boy 4) I have a home based daycare of 12 kids 630-530pm. I also work part-time taking care of 17 income base apartments. I volunteer with youth clubs, president for pta, chair person for parents for a safe prom (long story just got into it when my niece lived with us), relay for life (husband is a 11 yr survivor this october), girl scout leader, and many other activities. I love to run (well after the first mile). I ran my first half and full marathon in January at Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend. We're always on the go with softball, soccer, dance, school events, etc... Plus my husband has a job that keeps him busy by traveling. He's gone 1-2 weeks a month. This was a new adjustment in March. It was the first time we ever spent time apart at night. Excited to get to know other crazy busy people like myself! Would be nice to learn tips with keeping on track plus having a crazy life!

    I live in South Dakota hot summers and freezing winters. I'm 30 years old and lost 13 lbs since I started using the site in January. Just haven't stuck with it like I should but working hard this week to get back on track!
  • sharea7
    sharea7 Posts: 7
    Hello my name is sharea and I am a stay at home mother of 7 and it is hard trying to stay on track but with the help from my husband and Kids I know I will achieve. Although I must say it is tempting when we have movie night with the snacks but instead of pigging out I grab a piece of fruit or a 100 calorie pack. I feel that this group would be beneficial to us busy mom's to help stay on track and to give other ideas of how we are keeping up with our goal. I want to lose weight so that I can live a long and prosperous life for the sake of my children.
  • I'd love to join if possible! We should start a facebook page or something! :)

    I'm a married with two little girls, 3 and 11 months. I live in the Philadelphia, PA area and I'm 31 years old.

    I work full time and we are always super busy on the weekends. Especially in the summer!
  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    I'd love to join if possible! We should start a facebook page or something! :)

    LOVE the idea! Fun way to share pics and keep up with everyone! I'm in if anyone else is!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    I'm a 33 year old stay at home momma of 4 children ages 4-11. I teach my children at home too, so I'd say that is pretty much a full time job! I imagine I have slowly gained about a pound a year for the last ten years. The slow gain can really get you in a hurry... you wake up 10 years later and have put on 10 pounds! Yikes! I have been a decently healthy eater in the past, but I do have a sweet tooth and a tendency to eat larger than necessary portions. MfP has really helped me see where I've gone wrong in the past... I just ate TOO MUCH of whatever I was eating at the time. In the past I've never really found an exercise program I can stick with but my friends at MFP have really encouraged me and helped me along this journey. So far I am certainly FEELING more energetic if nothing else and I've only been here about a month!

    Before MFP I would try to watch what I ate for a week or two, not see results and give up. It didn't seem to make any difference at all what I ate or didn't eat, the scales stayed the same. I was introduced to MFP by a friend who lost over 25#s using MFP to track exercise and calories and knew I had to give it a try!

    I'm ready to start day 11 of the 30 Day Shred tomorrow and I just posted my 10 day results, so I'll share them with you too!

    Results after day 10: (6/30,7/5,7/15)

    Weight: 122.5, 121, 120.5
    Neck: i'm pretty sure they were all 13.5, but for some reason it says 13. i wonder if it won't accept decimals on neck? weird
    Waist: skip, 29, 28.5
    Bust: skip, 35.5, 35
    Hips: 36.5, 36, 35 (WOW!)
    Arms L: skip, 11.3, 11.3
    R: skip, 10.8, 11 okay, this is a gain, because i now have derringers! - mini gun. hee hee.
    Thighs L: skip, 22.3, 21.8
    R: skip, 21.5, 21.3
    Calves L: skip, 13.3, 13.3
    R: skip, 13.3, 13.5
    and another measurement that may seem weird, but it is a trouble area for me, so i'm keeping track
    Just above the knee L: skip, 16.3, 15.3
    R: skip, 13.3, 13.5

    It's a slow process and weight loss doesn't come easily for me, so I'm thrilled with these results. I am eager to get a heart rate monitor and a body fat scale so I have a better idea of what's actually happening when the scales don't move, but I'll have to be satisfied with the encouraging hip loss for now! :-)
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 605 Member
    Can I join in? I'm Christiana, 35 and a SAHM to 4 kids. We are done having kids now and am trying to recapture my sense of self. We live in a different country from all our family and I'm having a real hard time managing the kids, home, health and a work-a-holic husband on my own. Definitely struggling with balance. Since working out, I've lost 20 lbs (10 since being on mfp) and have about another 10 to go. Getting to know some other moms on here would be great!
  • Ganas
    Ganas Posts: 1 Member
    Can I join? My name is Wendy. I am a teacher, and currently on summer vacation. I have a 2 year old boy named Reynaldo and a husband who refuses to exercise. Anyways, I currently weigh 166lbs. My goal weight is 135. I need alot of motivation. It is so hard to find time to exercise. I plan to jog a 5k in November using the c25k program.
  • emj1981
    emj1981 Posts: 4
    My name is Erica, I am a mother of 3 girlies, a wife to a wonderful husband, and have the most amazing job in the world, delivering babies! I have had my struggles with weight my entire marriage and have forgottend who my hubby married. Finally feel like I am getting my life together and it's time to focus more on me! I have had major motivation issues and could use this thread to give me the kick in the pants that I need! Need to loose 100lbs!! Very daunting, but I am up for the challenge...I hope :huh:
  • tagrady
    tagrady Posts: 172 Member
    ok girls, might be time to close this group.

    I agree a facebook page is a great idea. I'll set one up. please send me a personal messge with your facebook email address if you'd like to join.
  • Hi! I am just new to MFP as of yesterday thanks to a friend! My name is Mandy and I am a SAHM of six amazing kiddos. They range in age from almost 8 down to 19 months (two sets of twins in the mix) I have struggled with weight all of my life and I am at the point now that I know our family will not be growing and I HAVE to make this change, not just for myself, but for my family. I have been over weight ever since I was about 10 years old - I can remember my mom having to order "pretty-plus" size clothes when I was in the 4th grade. I have an amazing supportive best friend in my husband that has seen me through the thick and....thicker :) I'm hoping this is the "thickest" I will be. One of my biggest struggles is trying to find time to exercise and trying NOT to snack....I'm a snacker....
  • sunnikim
    sunnikim Posts: 30
    I know you wanted to keep it small - still too late to join? Was hoping for another mama's group to pop up.....finding the life balance very hard, starting to lose motivation. Let me know....
  • tagrady
    tagrady Posts: 172 Member
    It's ok if you join, just send me a message with your facebook email account, so I can add you to the group.
  • sunnikim
    sunnikim Posts: 30
    Thanks! Tracy I sent you a message.

    I'm a 30 yr old mom of a 5 yr old girl & 17 month old boy. My husband & I both work full time and finding 'me time' is almost impossible. I have horrible mommy guilt. I have a few leftover baby pounds that won't fall off, so I've been turning to MFP for some motivation.

    Looking forward to getting to know you all!

  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    Hi busy moms! Are we planning on encouraging eachother on this thread?

    Just wanted to say, have a great weekend. Make healthy and wise eating choices and keep moving! We can do this together!

    I've shared this with my shredding friends, so forgive me if it's a repeat to you, but my motto is "I can do anything for 20 minutes!" (well, more like ALMOST anything. Friday I came to the conclusion that I probably wouldn't be able to hula hoop on the Wii Fit Plus for 20 minutes!
  • tagrady
    tagrady Posts: 172 Member
    Hi Girls!
    Hopefully everone had a great weekend! I'm not quite sure the facebook thing will work out. I only had 2 people contact me to go over there, so maybe the group consensus is to keep it here? I'm open for either.

    This weekend was quite challenging for me. I had a weekend away without my kiddo's with my husband. Although the scale might not reflect what i'd like, I'm ok with the choices I made while traveling. I ordered what I wanted, only ate 1/3-1/2 of the portion, and when I got home today, I weighed in, took accountability, and got on the elliptical. I'm not perfect, I still like to enjoy what little time I get to eat out with my husband, kid free! I'm up 2 lbs, but I feel in control, and that's what i'm trying to do differently this time.

    How did you guys do this weekend?
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