50lbs down, 30 more to go! Join me and stay motivated

Hi everyone, I started my journey in 2014 at over 230 pounds I never thought I would lose enough weight to look 'as good' as my college days. Now, two years later, I can gladly say I'm weighing in at 172 (8 pounds lighter than my college days) and I'm not done yet. I've always wanted to have shredded abs, tight buns and soft curves but plateaus get in the way. I'm here to tell you all to keep working, keep pushing and you will keep thriving. No loose skin here just pure natural weight lost that lasts beyond fad diet crazes. Add me if you need help or, for when I'll need some. Keep up the hard work my lovelies and it will pay off.
- 30 lbs to go (Shenikkie)


  • wilmasheridan
    wilmasheridan Posts: 8 Member
  • wilmasheridan
    wilmasheridan Posts: 8 Member
    You have become my inspiration. I log in faithfully with NO RESULTS. This week switched to substitute fish as my protein. Not happy with no results, but I am committed to keep on until I see results. Thanks for the inspiration.
  • shenikkie
    shenikkie Posts: 6 Member
    Keep at it Wilma. When I first started working out I actually gained weight because I was building muscle faster then I was shedding that weight in fat. Maybe your routine needs tweaking or try lowering your carb intake. Let me know how it turns out.
  • humantic
    humantic Posts: 4 Member
    I got up to 270 before I realized I needed to change. Without working out and staying around 2000 calories I've been able to get under 240. Now the fun begins to see how I can really start making a difference working out. My end goal I think is somewhere around 190 since I have a bigger frame but we'll see.
  • shenikkie
    shenikkie Posts: 6 Member
    Keep up the great work humantic! You're almost half way there just try working out slowly and increase both time and intensity each day (even if it's just an extra two minutes or .5 incline or even just one extra set of crunches) a little goes a long way especially with workouts!
  • Raptor2763
    Raptor2763 Posts: 387 Member
    Stay with your program. "Friend" me, if you'd like. I'm with you until the last dog dies.
  • Coffeeismyjive
    Coffeeismyjive Posts: 116 Member
    shenikkie wrote: »
    Hi everyone, I started my journey in 2014 at over 230 pounds I never thought I would lose enough weight to look 'as good' as my college days. Now, two years later, I can gladly say I'm weighing in at 172 (8 pounds lighter than my college days) and I'm not done yet. I've always wanted to have shredded abs, tight buns and soft curves but plateaus get in the way. I'm here to tell you all to keep working, keep pushing and you will keep thriving. No loose skin here just pure natural weight lost that lasts beyond fad diet crazes. Add me if you need help or, for when I'll need some. Keep up the hard work my lovelies and it will pay off.
    - 30 lbs to go (Shenikkie)

    Hi! You and I have similar stats! I would love to lose at least 20 more. Let's do this!
  • katiedoo82
    katiedoo82 Posts: 277 Member
    Hey guys, looking to lose another 20 lbs or so...51 gone already, started in March of this yr, just watching diet alone as unable to exercise with chronic back pain. Having op in January for this but hoping to keep on track with the healthy eating etc. Let's all do this together, and hopefully in a few months I can start working out!! Il add Ye as friends if that's ok? Xx come on everyone, let's get healthy!
  • katiedoo82
    katiedoo82 Posts: 277 Member
    Crap....not sure how to add friends... been a while... add me if anyone wants support
  • rebeccag212
    rebeccag212 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I'm new, not sure how to add. I have 50 lbs to lose and I struggle with the nutrition portion. I have started and stopped this journey so many times. I am just ready to be done! Let's do this!