I need you help pretty pleaaaase


Basically I don't know know how to stop eating my feelings away !! I don't have unhealthy food at home I just eat wayyy too much when I feel bad...
I only managed to stop baking so much but it still slowing down my weight loss and it makes me feel bad and well you now know what happens when I feel that way.

Thanks in advance for your help!


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Go for a little walk instead of snacking, it's mood elevating.
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    You just need to find another way to deal with negative feelings.

    I write my feelings down in a journal, some people like to exercise, meditate, talk their feelings out, etc.
  • CafeRacer808
    CafeRacer808 Posts: 2,396 Member
    Exercise, yoga and meditation work for me.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,745 Member
    Where are the negative feelings coming from? Sometimes you need to look at "eating your feelings" as a safety valve - don't try and fix it by plugging up the valve, figure out what the problem is that's causing pressure to build up, and fix that.
  • Katiebabyangel
    Katiebabyangel Posts: 7 Member
    My best friend and I found that knitting can help. Honestly, it's all about what activity you're doing. If you're baking, you're going to want to eat. When I used to get upset, I'd cook. I didn't cook to eat it, really, I cooked because it helped me calm down. But there was no stopping me from eating it when I was done because what else do you do with a batch of spaghetti? Lol. It helps that physical movement seems to help curb my appetite. As long as I'm doing something instead of sitting and thinking about food, I can control the urge to go get a snack because I know I'm not hungry. If knitting doesn't keep my hands busy enough to stop reaching for a snack, I usually start cleaning. Cleaning has a lot of the same physical activity, but it keeps me from reaching for a snack. And it helps keep my apartment clean, so that's nice. :) Hope this helps!
  • mellecraquotte
    mellecraquotte Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you all so much for your answers !
    I think I found the problem problem, I wasn't eating enough calories !
    I was eating only 1650 calories a day even though I do insanity 6 days of the week.
    I am going to up my intake with healthy food to see if it helps with my mood and all :)

  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I found that sometimes NAMING my feelings makes it easier not to eat them . When I find myself cruising the cupboards for no particular reason, I'll go into the bathroom instead, look myself in the mirror and then talk out loud to myself:

    The conversation might go something like this:

    "Okay, what's this about? Are you angry? Frustrated? Feeling lonely? That's it, isn't it: you know the gang went out without you and you're feeling left out. Well, you gonna eat about that now?"

    Somehow, owning and naming my feelings reduces my desire to stuff them down with food.