I'm a nooob.... and hoping this will work!

Of course, it will only work if I keep up with it! This is my 984980394983th attempt at losing weight since my second behbeh, and it's been a rough road. I started losing weight again at the beginning of April, and went from 181 to my current weight of 162lbs. It's been a rough road. I have a major sweet tooth, I hate seafood and eggs, and I've been losing so far by cutting out cereal, and cutting down the portions. It's been working, but I'm SO miserable! I miss eating the things I love, and I know I could do it in moderation, but it's so damn hard. The test was my son's 3rd birthday on July 3rd, when we had a cake... I stopped at one, had one piece the next day, and took the rest of the cake to work and unloaded it on everyone else. (they LOVED me for that, btw.) XD

So here I am. I'm hoping to build up a little tiny support group, and to do the same for others like me, and yeah! I CAN lose the weight! Then I can stop being bigger than my husband, who is an itty bitty 128 lbs. sigh.


  • Cortrpr
    Cortrpr Posts: 8 Member
    It's so hard, but losing weight takes concentration and determination. Too bad gaining weight isn't the same way! It's hard for me to watch my portion size and that is my Achilles heel, but remember, even if you have a bad day where you just totally blow it and eat everything in sight, just keep recording those calories and get back up on the horse. Good luck! :D
  • kellyth78
    kellyth78 Posts: 35
    hey there. you have already done so well and should be very poud of what you have achieved so far! i am just starting out so not lost anything yet. seems like this site is a good way to keep motivated and feel supported. good luck.
  • pamcljg
    pamcljg Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, my name is Pam. My oldest daughter told me about this web site and how she lost over 20 pounds thanks to the great support group here. I am 45 and weigh 173 pounds. I would love to lose 30 of it before menapause kicks into high gear. I will get one of the kids to help post a pic of me soon. Something I just haven't learned yet. I hope everyone has a sucessful weekend with your diets and I'm looking forward to making new friends.
  • TantalizingTanya
    I know exactly what you mean when you say "rough road"...that might even be an understatement for me, LOL! It is SO hard. Food is so darn delicious, and FUN! I love going to restaurants and eating the good stuff, like big burgers, fries, margaritas, without constantly trying to eat healthier and watch my calories. I know what you mean when you say smaller than your husband too, cause i'm in the same boat! haha!
  • kobrakaisandy
    I'm definitely hearing ALL of you girls! This past weekend was a rough one for me, and sadly, I did not do so well.... I'm trying to get back on track today, so we'll see how it goes! This weekend, my husband thought he would be funny and pick me up... I was TERRIFIED. I've got a good 40lbs on him, but he took it like a champ. I don't think he realized I would be so heavy, but he didn't say anything or let on that I was heavy. He has NO clue what I weigh, and I'm trying to keep it that way, until I get my weight down. I'm hoping to get the kids out and go hiking today, for some extra exercise! I'm also going to try and skip the sweets today.. (although I already ate a cookie for breakfast. no bueno.) crud. DO OVER! I'm gonna fix it!
  • SueSlick
    SueSlick Posts: 268 Member
    I am also relatively new here...I started out by sympathetic dieting in support of my husband, but it is actually easier that we watch what we eat together, weigh in together, walk in the evening together. I thought I'd take a stab at the virtual friend thing and try to give & hopefully get some support in the process. It was just too hot to eat this weekend, but my downfall is definitely drinking. Normally, I'd be floating in our little pool with a margarita or similar, so switching that over to big glasses of diet iced tea was not easy, but getting to add all those 0 calorie drinks on my daily log is almost worth it. It has become a little challenge for me to keep under my daily calorie intake, and I like that challenge. I am fortunate that my husband is quite a good cook & when he makes a special lo-cal meal for himself (his only allowed one lean & green meal) that he makes a little extra for me. So..keep at it! even the tiny minuses on the scale is worth it!