I'm on my way to being That Fit Gurl

Quick and to the point... I've tried this and that to lose weight and get myself in proper order over the last 20 something years. I am finished trying. I am doing it. One meal, day, moment, week, month, year at a time.

Bless alla y'all for sharing... Thanks to my friend for posting here and giving me inspiration to the same.

We all gonna GET IT IN! :heart:


  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    Same here, lady! Good for you!
  • anave285
    anave285 Posts: 67 Member
    Ditto. I weighed 160, size 10/12 about 13 years ago. 10 years ago I was 180, size 12. Now I'm 212.6, size 14. So for the past 13 years I have been saying "all I want to do is be a solid size 9" I never made it. Now that I'm on track and losing 2 lbs a week, I want the weight to just fall off. It took 13 years years to get here, I can "weight" 30 weeks to get it off.... One day, meal, crunch at a time.
  • kellyth78
    kellyth78 Posts: 35
    good for you. we're all in the same boat. one step at a time and support each other along the way. good luck.