2 weeks and no weight loss bummed

Well I lost weight the 1st month now nothing, have been excersing more and eating great (I think) never go over my calorie count, but have not lost nothing in 2 weeks, pretty bummed And it's not like I don't have much to loss at least 30 pds to go Help Please


  • Kristhin
    Kristhin Posts: 442 Member
    Whats your height and weight and how many calories are you eating?
  • tonyria12
    tonyria12 Posts: 2
    Same here, until I stopped eating after 6:00 and switched cardio to the morning hour. It really helped me get jump started again.
  • dlynnkind
    dlynnkind Posts: 134 Member
    I was on here 3 weeks or so before I lost anything. I didn't start notcing until I added weights/strength training to my routines. I also measure periodically, because that helps when I don't see the scale moving. Good luck, just keep it up. I always have to tell myself slow and steady wins the race. :)
  • jridgway49
    jridgway49 Posts: 79
    5'2 150 pds and 1200 or a little less per day
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 871 Member
    I took a sneak at your diary and one thing I notice is that you are going over on sugars each day. I also see that you are not logging any water. Are you drinking water? I see that you still are drinking soda (good for you for logging it!). I noticed that once I cut out soda and replaced w/ water I really started to see some good weight loss. Soda does not hydrate so your body tends to retain water which causes bloating and weight gain. Before I broke my leg, I was also trying to get in at least 3 days of cardio and 2 days of strength training.

    The most important thing is to not give up. Make some small tweaks and see how it affects you.
  • dhwatts
    dhwatts Posts: 32
    Please read the post by Redcat " Don't stop believing" it is a great post and very encouraging:happy:
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Just looked at your diary. I think you're actually low on calories each day. Perhaps try bumping them up a little? Also, you definitely need water if you aren't drinking it.
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    I took a quick look at your diary and IMO you should be driking more water. I never drink 8 cups a day but at laest 4-5. Also, I know that MFP gives you default of 2500mg/day for sodium, but what I have found works for me is keep that under 1500mg/day. The few days I looked at were good for carbs. Again MFP decided you needed around 200-25-g/day this is WAY too much 120g/day is what the 'experts' actually recommend. I follow a 'lower carb' diet NOT LOW CARB! Try adding some weights to your routine and maybe more intense cardio. That's just what works for me :)
  • jridgway49
    jridgway49 Posts: 79
    Thanks everyone, I do drink a lot of water just forget to log it in, and I need that 1 or 2 cans of diet caffine free diet coke (lol) per day hopefully I can get to the point to let go of it... I'm on a water pill everyday for my heart so I'm confused about the sodium..I wil not give up it is just a slow learning process
  • Kristhin
    Kristhin Posts: 442 Member
    I agree with drinking lots of water.

    Also stop eating after 5pm if you currently do.

    Also up your calorie intake from 1200 to 1500. At 150 lbs your metabolism should burn enough to eat more than 1200 a day and still lose weight. You are hitting a plateau but feeding your body will kick your metabolism back into shape.
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 871 Member
    I agree with drinking lots of water.

    Also stop eating after 5pm if you currently do.

    Also up your calorie intake from 1200 to 1500. At 150 lbs your metabolism should burn enough to eat more than 1200 a day and still lose weight. You are hitting a plateau but feeding your body will kick your metabolism back into shape.

    stop eating after 5pm? I'm not even done with work at 5pm. Don't eat 2 hours before you go to bed I can see but I think for most people to not eat after 5pm is just not feasible. Especially for those who don't go to bed until 11 - 11:30? JMO.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    I agree with drinking lots of water.

    Also stop eating after 5pm if you currently do.

    Also up your calorie intake from 1200 to 1500. At 150 lbs your metabolism should burn enough to eat more than 1200 a day and still lose weight. You are hitting a plateau but feeding your body will kick your metabolism back into shape.

    It doesn't matter what time of the day he eats. He can eat at 10pm if he wants, or RIGHT BEFORE he lies down.

    As long as he is eating 500-1000 calories below whatever his maintenance is, he will be fine.

    Remember you NEED to find out what you burn every day in a 24 hour period. You burn calories sitting on your butt, walking around the office, and even sleeping. You have to take all this into consideration.

    Eat too little and you'll lose weight, but plateau hard. Eat too much and you'll gain fat.

    You want to eat at most a 1000 calorie deficit, that way you'll lose 2 lbs a week and you'll keep the weight off.
  • Kristhin
    Kristhin Posts: 442 Member
    Its not proven at all that it doesn't matter what time of day somebody eats.

    And I'm not saying no one should ever eat 5pm. I'm not the 5pm nazi. I eat after 5pm. But I'm losing weight right now.

    I was just saying whats worked for me in the past. I stopped eating after 5pm a few years ago and coupling that with cutting back on calories some, I lost weight and I lose it really fast and the only time I ever was hungry was later on the the evening but it didn't really bother me.

    He did ask for suggestions, right?
  • Kristhin
    Kristhin Posts: 442 Member
    I'm not saying time of day has been conclusively proven because it hasn't but to all the people who think calories are the only thing that matter in a diet, take a look around you and get some common sense. Its pretty easy to figure out. When you take a look at what Americans eat vs. what thinner countries eat, and weight averages for countries prior to growing vs. after they're economy has signifcantly grown....its pretty obvious to see there are other factors. Its even obvious amongst people who live in the same country and have similar lives but eat completely different diets.