Stay at home mom trying to lose weight

Hi! I'm back again lol
Had my second baby boy in sept. And I have ballooned out of control so i gotta kick my butt into gear. I have never been so heavy in my life! I'm 260!
I'm just starting to get rid of all the carbs I have been eating so hopefully that will help. Don't have enough money for gym memebership yet anyways lol
Hard to get out and moving this time of year especially with a 2.5 year old and 3 month old. Anything helpful would be great! Feel free to add me I could use all the help I could get ! Thank u so much! Hope u have a wonderful day!


  • summer21forever
    summer21forever Posts: 61 Member
    If you had internet get on youtube and look up bodyrock. They have some amazing workouts that you can start out with your own body weight. I love it and they are about 20-30 minute workouts.
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    edited December 2016
    Congrats on baby #2!

    No need to get rid of carbs to lose weight-the only thing that matters for weight loss is your calorie intake :) Just enter your current stats into MFP, select the 1 or 2lb a week option, and then follow the calorie amount it gives you-this already has the deficit you need built in. Then focus on hitting that calorie target, accurately tracking your food intake (a food scale is a huge help with this!) and then be patient :)
  • reginamur
    reginamur Posts: 2 Member
    Hello!! I'm baby is almost 11 month and I too stay at home mom..for now anyway..have been in this fight as long as I can remember lol..gained 10lbs even before getting starting weight was 148+20 lbs.. after my baby got stuck on 156 lbs
  • krystlepon
    krystlepon Posts: 13 Member
    Hi! I'm a SAHM too. I have three kids. 10 years old, 8 years old, and 18 months old. I recently started a fitness journey. I started out on October 17 and I'm down just under 30lbs. My starting weight was 247 and my mini goal is 199. 20 more lbs!