2nd Baby on the way. Time to shed some weight.

My wife and i are having another boy. My wife is 21 weeks pregnant and I have been gaining some weight with her. Well, now its time to lose 20 lbs in the next 19 weeks. Running and weights with proper nutrition worked for me before. I know i can do it again. I want to be at my best when our baby arrives!


  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    And I came here ready to advise you not to try losing weight during your pregnancy without medical supervision... ;)

    Congratulations on your anticipated arrival, and good luck with your goals! You being fit enough to run around after your oldest son will be a huge help to your wife when she's busy with the newborn, I'm sure. :)
  • shytrevoak
    shytrevoak Posts: 95 Member
    Congrats on your upcoming 2nd baby! I'm a mom of two children. I'm currently 17 weeks pregnant on #3 and very much trying to stay on track. I lost 32 lbs this summer and would like to keep healthy, active and a minimal weight gain during this pregnancy. As well as lose baby weight afterwards. I've been successful a couple times with myfitnesspal. It's a great place for motivation, advice and great fitness friends. Feel free to add me!