Where do you find the time?

I'm wondering where everyone finds the time for all these amazing calorie burn workouts? I'm not a morning person so I have a tendency to get up only about 30 min before I have to be at work, then work 8-12 hr days then I get home, make dinner, do chores (feed animals, laundry, dishes, etc), then homework and by the time I'm done with that it's time for bed so I can do it all over again. Throw in a weekly 4H meeting and I just can't seem to find the time most days. Would love to hear from single parents that also work full time.


  • Sarabeth5
    Sarabeth5 Posts: 134 Member
    I work full time and have 2 boys. I have to MAKE time every day for excersize. It's not non-negotiable in my life. I'll take my kids to the gym with me and leave them in the "kids club" and they LOVE it. They BEG me to go to the gym! I'll take them to the local high school and run around the track while they play in the middle. That way I can keep an eye on them. I also have a treadmill at home as my last resort... They go to bed and I get my run on. I work 10 hour days, have a house full of pets and I don't care what happens, I need to take care of me. I feel better than I have EVER and my couch is collecting dust! (I watch all my shows on the treadmill). I feel like it'sa mind over matter thing. You just gotta make it happen. After a while it becomes habbit. I look at what I do every day and can't believe this is my life... But it's awesome!:flowerforyou:
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    I'd love to hear what other people have to say also!! I have a hard time finding time to work out and I'm not a single parent. I work FT and have an 8 month old baby so by the time I get home we're feeding her, having some quality mommy and baby time and then it's bedtime for her. then hubby and I like to watch a little tv together. We do exercise together at night around 8:30 or so but then I just don't have time for a big workout because I need to get to bed. forget getting up early right now - my baby does not sleep thru the night yet. I just don't know how other mommies do it! :huh:
  • pmorgan813
    pmorgan813 Posts: 135 Member
    Ok so Sarabeth - walk me through a typical day for you so I can get a better idea of where you're fitting it in. I guess that was more my question.
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    Morning person or not you just gotta make it a priority and Giv'Er!

    I could wake up at 730 am and get ready for work, but I wake up at 530 am and hit the gym first ... For an hour - 75 minutes, 5 days a week .. It becomes routine and you get used to it ...
  • ryandylan
    ryandylan Posts: 62
    I exercise after the kids are asleep...some nights that may not be until 10pm, but that's the only time I have...I work full time & have a 2 & 4 year old, so time is very tight!!
  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    I have 3 kiddos, and I watch a 20 mth old and I will soon also watch his brother (so a new baby will be in the house again), I help out with church stuff and help my husband with our on the side small design business. I make time through out the day to do some light cardio (jumping jacks- 50, butt kicks- 100, squats 15 reps x 3) I will do that a couple times a day. I do some straight leg lifts will sitting in my recliner (no joke)... I lay that puppy as far back as it will go and then I do 32-35 lifts 5 times each leg. I also do some arm work while in my recliner - I am using 5 lbs weights. I also do go to the gym at night after my husband gets home, so he is here with the kiddos. I spend about 45-1hr working out 3-4 times a week.

    If you want this bad enough you will have to make time. If that means getting out of bed 30mins early and going for a brisk walk, or find a quick workout on youtube (there are some great ones!) you have to make time for yourself in YOUR day. You are just as important as all the other things that you have to do!! :)
  • Allibaba
    Allibaba Posts: 457 Member
    I am a single mom and I used to love to sleep in until the last minute but I have had to make the effort to get up early to get it done. I know if I leave it until after work I will be too burned out and busy!
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Me, I spend about 45 minutes after I get off work at the gym for my cardio.... then the rest of the day I spend reading or playing TF2.
  • sh0ck
    sh0ck Posts: 168 Member
    I am really lucky in that I have a pretty relaxed job environment and my work has a gym on the premises so I end up doing my workouts during my daily "lunch break" and usually end up eating my lunch while working at my desk.

    Doing it on my lunch break is awesome because it helps break up the day and keeps me from having to sit at my desk for 8 hours straight.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I'm wondering where everyone finds the time for all these amazing calorie burn workouts? I'm not a morning person so I have a tendency to get up only about 30 min before I have to be at work, then work 8-12 hr days then I get home, make dinner, do chores (feed animals, laundry, dishes, etc), then homework and by the time I'm done with that it's time for bed so I can do it all over again. Throw in a weekly 4H meeting and I just can't seem to find the time most days. Would love to hear from single parents that also work full time.

    I'm not a single mom, but I am a mom. I make the time. I don't want to wake up at 4:30 in the morning, but I know that's what I have to do, so I do it. For me it's about what I want more, do I want the extra hour of sleep or the fitness . . . I pick the fitness. Now I don't do this every morning, but at least once a week and as needed other times. I also go to the gym straight from work. It's a priority, so I rearranged my schedule to fit around it instead of trying to fit it around my schedule. "I want to work out on x day at x time, what do I have to do to make this happen?"
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I work 8 hours, get up at 4:50 to get to the gym, do about 30-45 mins of workout and afterwards off to work! I occasionally workout after I come home. I do the 30 day shred video that is only 20 mins long. I have 1 year old that just likes to sit on my chest when I am doing abs during my video.... so I have to adjust my workout to her.
    I sacrifice game time on my computer to do exercise!
  • pmorgan813
    pmorgan813 Posts: 135 Member
    Thanks for all the comments. Maybe I should give a little more insight...

    I have a 16 year old - she can drive but can't have friends in the car with her yet. I'm usually the taxi for youth group, practice, 4H meetings, movies, etc. So a good chunk of my evenings are spent driving kids around. As much as I would like to I can't just bail on the kids at this point, and unfortunately most of the other parents are unwilling to help which is why it falls on me. I feel its important enough for these kids to be active and staying out of trouble that I make sure they get where they need to be when they need to be there. When I'm not actively driving them I'm usually trying to get caught up on something like laundry, dishes, house cleaning, yard work, or homework.

    My house is the command center. On any given day I'll have 3-5 additional teenagers in and out of my house. Being that they aren't in school right now I'll often wake up to and extra kid or two sleeping on my couch or floor, which happens to be where the t.v. and thus dvd work out area would be. My house is small...less than 1000 sq.ft. so not much privacy. And no, they really can't sleep anywhere else when they have sleepovers.

    Don't have the money for a gym membership right now, and don't have any equipment at my house. So, exercise for the most part has to be dvd workouts or walking around the neighborhood. Yes, I can make an effort to get up an hour earlier and go for a walk. I'm starting to realize as I type this out though, that once the kids are back in school things will calm down around my house and the my uninterrupted time will be more readily available. Maybe I just picked a bad time of the year to start working on this whole exercise thing. I think if I had been able to establish a pattern while she was in school then it wouldn't be such an issue now.
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 555 Member
    I understand your struggle... and I am very defintely NOT a morning person, but I have found that if I don't peel myself out of bed by 5:30 and workout, I won't do it. I am a working mother with 2 young children (18 months and 4 yrs) and my husband travels for work so I am on my own quite a bit.

    By the time I work the entire day, pick the kids up, get dinner ready, eat, bathe and get the kids to bed, get the kitchen cleaned as well as any other nagging housework that needs to get done, it's usually 8:30 or 9:00 and to be honest... I am just way too exhausted to even think about working out.

    I have found that the hardest part is actually getting out of bed so every night when I set my alar, I very deliberately promise myself that I will only push the snooze button once and then will get out of bed no matter how tired I am.

    When the alarm goes off for that second time I just stand up (in fact I am standing when I turn it off). Since getting out of bed is the hardest part, I am hafway there and now the walk into my bathroom to put my workout clothes on is little easier.

    I will admit... I HATE getting up that early in the morning and often consider it pure torture but it has been worth it in the end.

    Are there days that I miss? yes, absolutely. I try not to beat myself up about it too much when it happens and I also try to make adjustments to the rest of my day to make time for it later (push dinner back a little later so I can get a 20 minute workout in while the kids play for a bit before we eat) but that doesn't always happen.

    I also schedule 1 evening a week where my husband will pick up, feed, and put the kids to bed so I can go to the gym on my way home from work. This actually allows me 2 things (a little extra sleep one morning a week and a little alone time) which I appreciate greatly.

    The other thing that really helps.... and this too is VERY hard for me, and that is getting to bed as early as possible. I have made 10:00 my cutoff in terms of when I turn the TV off and go up to bed. (I record the shows I like to watch so I don't have to watch them at any specific time). It takes me about 20 minutes to get ready for bed and then I read before going to sleep, but if I am up much past 10:30, that 5:15 alarm seems very early.

    Good Luck. Feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • AdGalicia
    AdGalicia Posts: 84 Member
    well right now i am off for the summer so i have all the time in the world, but when i am working I exercise from 5:45-8pm and make a simple fast dinner when i get home.

    your a busy person so you'll have to figure out something that works for you, even if it is just 30 min a day
  • chozynvessel
    chozynvessel Posts: 12 Member
    Just remember you can't be the "best you" for everyone else if you don't take some time to get yourself to a better place of wellness. I just had to come to that realization a few weeks ago. My husband and I work full time jobs and are pastors of a youth ministry on the side, I have a 9 month old and just moved into a larger house (translation-more to clean!) so I know life is busy and you sound so giving of yourself to make your family and their friends have better lives. It's important to remind ourselves that if we want to continue to be around to give of ourselves to the people that we love then we need to care for ourselves. We just have to find some time somewhere. It is not easy, if it was, everyone would be skinny and healthy ha ha but start small. Trust me I can relate to not wanting to work out in the morning too but I'm starting to see that as my best option. Good Luck, I am sure you will figure something out that will work for you.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    unfortunately most of the other parents are unwilling to help which is why it falls on me. I

    The thing that stands out to me about this sentence is that you are allowing the other parents to treat you this way. Your time is as important as theirs and if you said "I can no long do x day and x day" they would figure it out. You don't have to take anyone's child but your own, and if that's the blackmail that you need to use to get some of your time back then use it. If you're waking up with several extra kids in your house on a regular basis, great! They live there and can therefore pick up a dust rag or vaccum and clean up a room here or there . . . you are not their maid. You can either make excuses and enable this, or you can take control and demand something different.
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    You have to wake up early. Period.

    Wake up an hour earlier than normal and do SOMETHING. Go for a walk. Go for a jog. Go for a bike ride. Do calisthenics (push ups, sit ups, squats, etc.) in your bedroom. Do a DVD on the days when there are no teenagers on your couch. Get up and get moving early in the morning and get it out of the way. You will feel great physically and mentally all day having gotten it out of the way first thing.
  • faithfitnessandnutrition
    I am a single mom with a just turned 16 year old but we only have one car (to her horror) so I am the taxi driver, I also work full time; I am not a morning person.. I mean I hate mornings with a passion so there's no explaining why for the past three years I have been getting up between 4:15 and 4:30am to get my workouts in. But I do it with a snarl on my face for a number of reasons, its the only time of the day I get to myself, for that one hour that I am either out running or doing a dvd in my living room I can enjoy some peace and quiet time with myself before the day starts getting crazy from the time the kid gets up :), I also find time in the evenings, depending on my schedule to sneak in 30 or 45 minutes but it depends up my daughter's schedule, and IF I am going to workout in the evening I literally do it as soon as I walk in the door, if I get distracted with anything else it will not get done.