5"5' , 250 pounds & ready for a new start.

Hi, my name is Keeley, I'm a 20 year old girl from the Niagara Reigon in Ontario,Canada.
This will be my first serious time trying to lose weight for my health. As an introduction, my doctor has warned me my cholestrol is getting a little too high for a 20 year old girl. This scares me and my goal isnt to be skinny, its to be healthy.
My goal is to be 200 pounds by next year. That's 50 pounds.
Looking for tips, friends and encouragement.
Anything helps!


  • Mellybean1183
    Mellybean1183 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm right where you are, just many years later. Same height and roughly the same starting weight. Congratulations on taking your first step!
  • johnny2swany
    johnny2swany Posts: 2 Member
    I wish you the best on your journey, it sounds like you have a solid goal and a plan to get there, congratulations!
  • HeyJude007
    HeyJude007 Posts: 69 Member
    Yeah, You can do it! Then Stay with the program until its ingrained in your mind and stomach. I'm in my 60s and missed out, Lost 20 years of movability.. and enjoying fun because in my 40's I was tired of the roller coaster dieting... so I doomed my self as my body wants to be fat.... Ya right. Going to kill my self, by eating poorly because you gain so much a year... So I conclude that i have a true eating problem... and this will be the last time I fall into the trap where ya... you can eat a half of pizza and all the party snacks.. I am going to do this for life. No more wasting the rest of my life. I'll add the amount of calories to maintain... I"m going for it. Eat what you want but keep to your calorie limit.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited December 2016
    You can do it.

    Edit- Fun tidbit: My starting stats are similar to yours. I'm 5'4.5" and started at 260 lbs at 22 yrs old (I started in 2012). :flowerforyou:
  • tracykreczmer
    tracykreczmer Posts: 88 Member
    I did that last January. Fifty by my fiftieth bday. Ok so you are doing it thirty years earlier!! Huge kudos to you! I went to the ymca..lost twenty five by just moving..started recumbent. .treadmill then elliptical. After I joined mfp and logged and added an water aerobics it went faster. Eliminate a food a week..add an exercise..log your meals weight once a week..I am betting u will do it faster. Its a life not a diet..add more veggies and fiber..lean protein..find an exercise u love and it won't be work..you are young and in a few weeks u are going to feel like u can take on the world! ..if u have a bad meal..don't turn it into a bad day or week..add a little more cardio to even it out. Again u are here so I KNOW u will do it!
  • Keeleybalyk
    Keeleybalyk Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you everyone!
    You guys are amazing. <3
  • HeyJude007
    HeyJude007 Posts: 69 Member

    I had to change my mindset! My motto about food now is "EAT TO LIVE, NOT LIVE TO EAT". I'm 46 years old at 4'11" and my weight loss journey is as follows:

    SW 145.6 lbs on 9/17/2016
    CW 128.4 lbs as of 12/4/2016
    UW 105 lbs by 2/20/2017 but will settle for 112 lbs by that date and will continue to work towards my UW goal.

    MY STRUGGLE IS REAL!!! But since changing my mindset, MFP has become an obsession for me when tracking my meals and macros. Although I meet, exceed or don't meet some of my macros; I'm still losing an average of 1 to 1.5 lbs a week. Consequently, my weight loss has been slow and steady which is the best way. Replacing coffee to include cream and sugar with oolong and green tea (+ 1 tbs honey & lemon juice) has helped a lot as well as following this simple and most effective rule: 80% Clean Diet + 20% Moderate Exercise = WEIGHT LOSS!

    Last, I've learned that there are no shortcuts! Creating a calorie deficit (through moderate calorie restriction and increase in physical activity) is the only way to lose weight. Any plan that does not require sacrifice is unrealistic and leads to failure.

    I love your motto. We will do this. I wish I would have learned the value of this when I was 46 instead of 62. One smart girl you are!!!!
  • DietVanillaCoke
    DietVanillaCoke Posts: 259 Member
    I'd love a new friend close my my goals =D

    This time around I started at 244lbs + at 5'3 >.< a little over a month ago. Now I'm around 230lbs.

    The last time i lost weight on here i got down to 150lbs and was considered still "overweight" but i did a lot of weight training and i actually loved my body, I was healthy, strong and super toned, so i stayed there for 6 months. Sadly moving overseas, studying and new medications hit me hard and I was no longer using MFP =( so i gained a load back and more. I've done this before, and at times it gets tough, there will be days or weeks the scale won't move and you'll feel like quitting but your measurements will go down and you will continue to lose weight and you will get to your goals =)

    I can't give up now, this NEED to keep the weight off as i have found out i have Factor V Leiden.

    I'll add you as a friend! I think we both have similar goals =) and we'll be able to support and encourage each other on this journey =D
  • VER2013
    VER2013 Posts: 5 Member
    How do I get someone to check what I'm doing, either daily or weekly? I'm 62, 5'3", 237 lbs, disabled. I Need Help! To keep me on track. Thankyou
  • chesitymcgee2
    chesitymcgee2 Posts: 5 Member
    I will join you I went to the doctor my sugar was little high so I have to work on losing weight to
  • VER2013
    VER2013 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm new to this. How does it work
  • Cdowns78
    Cdowns78 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5'6 and about the same weight but a tad older at 38. Let's connect and help motivate each other! We can do this :)
  • misserin122
    misserin122 Posts: 106 Member
    I have about 50 lbs to lose. Feel free to add me! :)
  • RedfootDaddy
    RedfootDaddy Posts: 274 Member
    We're almost neighbours! Well, sort of. I'm in Toronto. I'm also 5'5 but I've got you beat at 332 lbs (down 8 from a couple weeks ago, tho). Always looking for new friends :)
  • lsbabi928
    lsbabi928 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm 5'2 and 230. Sadly I've been overweight since I was a teen. Although I would love to be the size I was when I first started thinking I was fat, which was a size 9, now 18. It sucks really bad and it even makes being intimate kind of crap or because I know what I think about my body and I don't want my girlfriend to think that way too. Although, she tells me all the time that I'm not big and she loves me body the way it is. It has to stop. I have been using MFP for about two weeks now & I don't really know if I lost weight or not. I weighed myself in the beginning and got 233, again it said 231 because I did it a day later. I weighed myself yesterday and it says 230, so I don't know if the scale is off or no. I did it in the morning and after my period was over. I don't know why I wanted to say this long post but I felt like I needed it .
  • Mayra_121
    Mayra_121 Posts: 128 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add me. I just started over again about 2 weeks ago and am looking for some MFP friends to share my journey with =)
  • Keeleybalyk
    Keeleybalyk Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you everyone for your love and support! Accepting your requests! <3
  • Keeleybalyk
    Keeleybalyk Posts: 4 Member
    Update: for some reason i'm not getting the messages that go with adding someone, if you want to message me you'll have to do it the long way