Any Atkin Dieter's ? Penpal Needed



  • Lindac6724
    Lindac6724 Posts: 27
    women4.gif Amazing


    “DETERMINATION” ...won't let YOU cheat for things that aren't worth it. If you cheat, plan it ahead of time. Make sure it doesn’t put you way over the top in your calorie intake.

    • Find your eating style. You don't need to eat at a certain time, find what works for you and not what works for others.

    • Eliminate some foods and to limit YOUR portions all around. Re-teach YOUR body how to eat. Chew your foods at least 20 times before you swallow.

    • Don't worry about little setbacks like a week where you don't lose
    much or any weight. Your weight loss is like a Wall Street investment
    and the benefits don't happen in one day or one week, but with patience
    they happen over time.

    • Stop eating fast foods, they are loaded in calories and sodium. If you have to grab a bite, look at the nutrition guide in the restaurant and pick something that is tasty but at the low end of their calorie range. This is true of ANY time you eat out whether it's fast food or a sit down restaurant.

    • Be honest when logging what you ate. If you are not sure of quantities, estimate on the high end. Enter your food intake as often as you can so you will know how many calories you have left in the day when it comes time for your next meal.

    • Drink water a lot and just when you think you can't drink anymore... keep drinking! It sounds weird but it absolutely works.

    • Drastically reduce those Big 3 (Fats, Sugars and Sodium). Become an avid label reader. Yes I know it takes a little more time, but if you are serious about losing, it is essential to do this.

    • Try to, if you can, eliminate all "white flour" and white foods in general (rice, potatoes, noodles, breads, cereals, etc).

    • Get rid of “ YOUR self-doubt.” YOU can only achieve, if you BELIEVE!!!

    • Don't overwhelm yourself. Take it one day at a time, one change at a time. No one changes 100% overnight. Don't stop trying. Weight is a fickle beast. It can stop and stall, go up and down, but don't let that be your reason for stopping. It'll be worth it in the end. Do not make yourself feel guilty for wanting food or eating food. Good food still exists. It's okay to eat it and it doesn't mean you're a bad person for doing so. You can always start again with the next meal. And don't punish yourself for it! Making exercise a must. Find something you like, but get out there and move. It helps with more than just weight loss.


    If hunger is not the problem, then eating is not the solution. ~Author Unknown
  • chiwalker
    chiwalker Posts: 8 Member
    As a fellow Atkins follower, I concur! The new plan is great and easy to follow. Feel free to friend me if you like.
  • worse diet in the world!
  • chiwalker
    chiwalker Posts: 8 Member
    Oops, sorry. This was meant to reply to Debadoo64, but ANY Adkins followers are free to friend me if they like.
  • Alisha_countrymama
    Alisha_countrymama Posts: 821 Member
    I'm an atkins dieter! And I've lost 70 pounds and healthier than ever!! feel free to friend me!
  • Lindac6724
    Lindac6724 Posts: 27
    women4.gif Amazing

    If you are reading this, you've already made a great first step. Keep it up.

    Find a vegetable you can't get enough of. Try cucumbers. They are like little fresh-tasting crackers! You can put anything on those!

    Drink water. Buy a cute water bottle and carry it around with you. At first, it seems so boring, but you get used to it and then you start to love water.

    Get some cute workout clothes. They don't have to be expensive. Reward yourself in a good way. Stay away from food rewards - that's what got you into this pickle in the first place.

    Find an exercise that is fun for you and stick with it!

    Start counting calories and add some type of exercise every day, i.e. dancing, jumping rope with children, leisurely walking (until you can make it a brisk walk), etc.

    Make yourself accountable. Share your numbers with people who support you. Compete with yourself. Try to top your personal best!

    1. Don't deny yourself the foods you want to eat. Just practice moderation and be accountable for it. If you don't have that type of willpower yet, bring your own foods to cookouts, etc..

    2. Be gentle with yourself. Learn to forgive yourself for your mistakes and move on.

    3. Make slow changes that, over the course of a year, results in a complete turnaround in everything - your diet, your activity, and your health. Realize that your weight loss journey would not be fast, and that you will needed to make it enjoyable. Find healthy foods that you enjoy eating.

    4. Challenge yourself to keep your eating interesting and healthy. Find healthy and easy recipes so that you don't get bored with menus.

    5. The most challenging thing in losing weight might be dealing with the psychological aspect of this change.

    6. Wanting to eat things that you know you shouldn't on a regular basis

    7. Realizing, after much failure with maintaining weight loss in the past, that it’’s all about making a permanent lifestyle change. You have to remind yourself along the way that this not a temporary thing. You cannot expect to get down to a healthy weight and stay there forever without putting in daily effort. It’’s a daily task.

    8. The most challenging aspect you will probably have, if you are a drinker, is giving up or cutting back on alcohol and high-calorie foods around friends and family (especially during the holidays). But you will find that after doing this for awhile, it will becoming easier.

    9. Having repeated, stubborn plateaus that sometimes take a long time to break through.

    Staying away from negative influences and committing to better yourself, for yourself. Finally just sticking to your plan to lose weight when you have to deal with many negative things there were going on in your life at the same time.

    Look for me at the Table in the future, for more good information! Stay tuned....

    Quote of the Day:

    The biggest risk is to not take action, to be paralyzed by indecision and fear.
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    worse diet in the world!

    This is a motivation and support thread in case you missed that part.
  • Lindac6724
    Lindac6724 Posts: 27
    Don't Quit

    When you've eaten too much and you can't write it down,
    And you feel like the biggest failure in town.
    When you want to give up just because you gave in,
    and forget all about being healthy and thin.
    So What! You went over your points a bit,
    It's your next move that counts...So don't you quit!
    It's a moment of truth, it's an attitude change.
    It's learning the skills to get back in your range.
    It's telling yourself, "You've done great up till now.
    You can take on this challenge and beat it somehow."
    It's part of your journey toward reaching your goal.
    You're still gonna make it, just stay in control.
    To stumble and fall is not a disgrace,
    If you summon the will to get back in the race.
    But, often the struggler's, when loosing their grip,
    Just throw in the towel and continue to slip.
    And learn too late when the damage is done,
    that the race wasn't over...they still could have won.
    Lifestyle change can be awkward and slow,
    but facing each challenge will help you grow.
    Success is failure turned inside out,
    the silver tint in a cloud of doubt.
    When you're pushing to the brink, just refuse to submit,
    If you bite it, you write it....But don't you quit!
  • Lindac6724
    Lindac6724 Posts: 27
    Congratulations Alisha, on your 70 lbs loss, you are a true inspiration to all Atkins dieters.

    women4.gif Amazing


    • Staying motivated! Don’t get so focused on exercise and not changing your eating habits! Remember, that exercise is great for being more healthy overall, but for weight loss you will have to do more!

    • Cut out your habit of having to have a cokes, sweets, and fried foods all the time.

    • Get some activity every day. Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day! Have a "cheat" meal once a week, so that you do not feel deprived during the rest of the week. Hey it may even break that stall?

    • Cut yourself some slack - If you misstep, diet-wise, don't stress or give up! Simply resolve to do better on the next meal or day. One meal will not derail an entire healthy diet or lifestyle.

    Again, Never quit - Stay motivated and positive.
    • Eat to live, instead of living to eat.
    • Seek education/research on improving your lifestyle change for continued success.
    • Stay away from negativity. Never allow anyone or anything alter your success.
    • Work out (i.e. brisk walk) with some family/friends

    • Lastly, not being able to eat what you want, and having what you want is a mindset. Over time it will get easier. You will find that you naturally desire healthier foods.

    • In between your water, have a cup coffee or tea as your mid-day treat. Think of it as your “CANDY BAR” moment. Try not to drink more than 2 cups of caffinated drinks a day.

    • Take one day at a day. Rome wasn't built in a day; don't get discouraged if you don't see results right away. if you slip on your diet remember tomorrow is a new day and let it remind you to work harder to achieve your goal. Always keep healthy things around you to try and avoid temptation
    • don't forget to occasionally indulge yourself so you don't get burned out.
    • Stay active; find something every day to keep you on your toes so you don't get in a lazy rut. Keep your eyes on the finish line. Picture what it will be like when you get to that point and remember you are doing this for a brighter future.

    Quote of the Day:

    "When a thing is done, it's done. Don't look back. Look forward to your next objective."
  • RocheleLynn
    RocheleLynn Posts: 265 Member
    Does anyone have a short and sweet version of the atkins diet to go off of?
    Kind of a really basic break down.
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    I try to eat along the GI because sugar & starches are migraine triggers for me. My heath is great…, heck I’m ever a kidney donor.
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    Does anyone have a short and sweet version of the atkins diet to go off of?
    Kind of a really basic break down.

    The best way, honestly, is to check the Atkins website here:
    You can see what foods are allowed on the different phases and can then go from there :)
  • Lindac6724
    Lindac6724 Posts: 27
    Thanks Silkysly for your input. We have to let the people know that certain foods triggers various things within the body and causes it to act out until you right the situation. Glad that you found out what triggered your migraines.

    RocheleLynn, dittiepe gave you the best answer. This is something you have to do for yourself so you can get a handle on it by actually seeing the list of foods. Getting past the first 3 days will be your body's test, but after that you should be feeling great..

    To All: Have a great low carb day and here's wishing you a "swoosh." very soon. aawineglasse3s.gif Created by Animation

  • RocheleLynn
    RocheleLynn Posts: 265 Member
    Thanks ladies!

    I've just finished a round of HCG -- So I've been carb free for a few months now.. and I love it! :)
    That's why I wanted to try Atkins (I did it a few years back but it's been a while).
    From what I'm seeing is Atkins just offers a few more food options - and I can workout on it.

    I'm open to any tips and suggestions that ya'll have :)
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    One thing you may notice is that you will gain a few pounds switching from the HGC diet to Atkins. This is because, basically, you're giving your body more nutrition than it is used to from the extremely low calories you were on before. That will balance itself out in relatively short time and should drop right back off again. Don't get discouraged!
  • Lindac6724
    Lindac6724 Posts: 27
    dad_checking_grill_sx.gif Created by

    Hello Ladies:

    Here's hoping everyone is having a great low carb week.

    RocheleLynn: How is your new way of eating coming along? Hope you are getting acclaimated to it and drinking lots of water and taking your vitamins while eating this way.

    Dittiepe: You are absolutely great! Thanks for blogging with us here. Your information on HGC is very informative.

    The weather has been sooooo hot lately. I am looking forward to some cooler weather in the immediate future. Have a great day!


    Note: I purchased "Dixie Carb Counter Breading and Batter Mix" the package says "Health Food That Tastes Like Junk Food." So you know I gotta try it on my chicken and fish. Will let you know if it is tasty like it proclaims.
  • RocheleLynn
    RocheleLynn Posts: 265 Member
    Atkins support group!

    Join and Pass it along! :)

    I have been doing good! :) It is a lot easier than HCG because of all of the extra food choices. I've lost about 1.6 pounds the last few days - I am about 1 pound away from my lowest the last round. :) Now I just need to get some strips to track when I am in fat burning mode :)
  • Lindac6724
    Lindac6724 Posts: 27
    opennite.gif Created by:

    Has anyone tried any lowcarb item that you think the group could benefit by using?

    Let us keep each other updated on products we use for our lowcarb diets.
  • Lindac6724
    Lindac6724 Posts: 27
    women4.gif Amazing


    • Change your lifestyle & attitude. Many people diet, lose weight, then gain it all back because they only changed their eating habits for a given amount of time. Educate yourself with the advantages of eating healthy and being active for the duration of your life.

    • Reward yourself. Set milestones and reward yourself when you reach them. I'm not necessarily referring to food rewards. There was nothing that felt better than buying a smaller pair of jeans/pants.

    • If you are advising others on making healthy eating choices, you will make healthier eating choices. Also, encouraging someone else to exercise makes you more likely to do your workout regimen.

    • Realized that YOU got overweight because of YOUR poor eating habits and YOU will have to resist temptation or YOU will be going to be back to square one.

    • Believe in yourself and keep a positive attitude! Set realistic goals and reward yourself when you achieve them. Also sticking through it while your "friends" weren't as supportive as they should be will be difficult, but key word here is “ENDURANCE” - in the end it's totally worth it.

    • Resist temptations that were not planned. Realize what caused you to gain weight. You will need to surround yourself with people who are going to encourage you to reach your goals.

    • Ignore those snide remarks, they're just feeling insecure around you!

    • Drinking a lot of water. Started drinking more water, it will help YOU lose a lot of YOUR weight.


    Courage does not always roar. Sometimes, it is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, 'I will try again tomorrow.' - Mary Anne Radmacher
  • Good Morning, while my journey is still in progress, I thought I drop you a recipe for Coconut Lime Mousse. If you have any good recipes that the group can use please by all means, post them. Have a great low carb day.

    Coconut Lime Mousse

    Makes: 4 servings
    Prep Time: 10 minutes

    2 ounces cream cheese
    4 packets granular sugar substitute (sucralose)
    ¼ cup fresh lime juice
    1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    1 cup heavy whipping cream


    1. Using an electric mixer, beat together 2 oz soft cream cheese and 4 packets of sweetener until smooth.
    2. Slowly add 1/4 cup lime juice, beating until creamy.
    3. Beat in 1 tsp coconut extract (use instead of vanilla if available for more coconut flavor) and 1 cup heavy cream until fluffy.
    4. Place in four bowls, sprinkle with unsweetened coconut flakes (optional, don't foget to add in extra NC carbs) and refridgerate until serving.

    Nutritional Information
    Per Serving:

    Net Carbs: 4.6 grams
    Fiber: 0.0 grams
    Protein: 2.0 grams
    Fat: 27.0 grams
    Calories: 266
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