Any tips for pool fitness workout??

Are there any styles that burn more calories than others? Need some information and support. Thank you!!


  • dtb2greenville
    dtb2greenville Posts: 6 Member
    Styles? If you are talking stroke types then yes the Butterfly is the most demanding stroke and burns the most calories. I have been swimming several years and do not swim the butterfly. Focus on getting faster at the stroke you like and that will burn more calories. Use the lap clock at your pool. Get to know your lap times and effort for different distances.

    Use intervals as a way to speed up, like 50 yards fast / 50 yards recovery then build your distance from there.
  • Gimsteinn
    Gimsteinn Posts: 7,678 Member
    Pool fitness or pole fitness? Gotta ask cause sometimes my auto correct changes pole fitness into pool fitness
  • josephdomenech0110
    I did mean pool fitness. Auto correct does suck. Lol @HeyaBerg
  • josephdomenech0110
    @dtb2greenville thank you so much the great feedback. I will definitely do that.