Exercise Calories

I've never had trouble in the past losing weight but then again I was on Weight Watchers and I'm 33 now. I seem to be struggling to lose this time around. I've been losing/gaining the same 3lbs. I'll go down to 206 then back up to 209 and this has been for about 2 months. So It has to be my eating so I looked over my diary and wanted to know thoughts.

MFP states my calorie intake should be 1590. I do UJAM (hiphop/zumba) for an hour twice a week, circuit training for an hour 2x a week and elliptical or walk one day a week for 45minutes. I take the weekends off. I burn anywhere between 250-550 according to my HRM. So should I be eating ALL my calories. I usually eat all that MFP recommends and about 40% of my exercise calories.


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    1. Do you weigh all solid foods or at least 90%? (not measuring cups, but actually use a food scale)
    2. Are you 100% sure the entries you are picking from the food database are accurate?
    3. Are you using any entries that are "homemade" or "generic" labeled from the database?
    4. Is your diary open so that we can take a look?
  • ChampagneBurst
    ChampagneBurst Posts: 14 Member
    Muscle gain.

    Prior to this ivf weight blow out my weight was always higher than recommended by about five kg. I used to play a contact sport on skates that took six hours of training a week and swam laps for 2-3 hours a week. I was solid muscle everywhere except the boobs.

    At my gym they have scales that estimate muscle mass vs fat mass etc.

    Maybe check yourself stats out on them. Not everyone fits the norm.

    I also didn't used to be able to eat the calories recommended for my height (5'1) as I'd gain fat weight - especially as I entered my late twenties So if it's not muscle mass don't eat your excercise calories for a couple of weeks and see if that gets the plateau shifting.

    Not everyone is going to fit statistical averages. Human variation is infinite. Guidelines and recommendations are great to start with but in my experience it was more helpful focusing on what was right for me.

    And don't blame yourself whatever you do. Women in their thirties generally have a little extra that is harder to shift - it's evolutions gift to support heathy thriving babies.
  • ChampagneBurst
    ChampagneBurst Posts: 14 Member
    Hmm... also I would look at if you've entered your activity level on here accurately.

    If you're in a desk job and are driving to work - even with all that great healthy exercise - I think it's still considered to be mostly sedentary.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Why blame your very modest exercise calorie estimates?
    Far more likely your food logging isn't accurate - that has a much greater impact on your calorie balance.

    Opening your diary would help as that's likely the place where the problem lies.