Sick of YoYo-ing

bigalbigcountry Posts: 1 Member
edited December 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Not new to myfitnesspal, but new to posting on the message boards. I plan to do this more often. my name is Al, I'm 26 years old, and I'd like to get my weight down and keep it down. I've yoyo'ed 50-100lbs more than once and I'm sick of it. My breasts are totally saggy and pointing south due to the last bit of weight fluctuation.

I've been using myfitnesspal consistently to track calories and exercise and have lost 32 pounds in around six months. I'd say the past 3 months is when I was consistently began to take care of my nutrition the way I need to be. Last week I started doing at home strength training three times a week and I'm already feeling results.

I became obese around ten years old, and I remember being 120lbs at 8 years old and 200lbs by 14. At 20, 21 I joined the YMCA and religiously took spin classes and eventually became an instructor. At my heaviest I was 260-something pounds and got my weight down to 170lbs. Then I was hit by a car and out of commission for awhile. There was a death in the family and I was sexually assaulted and my weight ballooned back up to 257 pounds. I'm down to 225lbs and want to get down to 125. I've always been a cardio queen but I'm looking to try to become a heavy lifter this go round. I already feel that I walk taller and I'm not so stinking clumsy.

Definitely could use some inspiration photos from women who are on the short side - I'm 5'1 and 3/4" - and/or apple body shaped. Long term maintenance is something I definitely need to see modeled. I am a compulsive overeater and a food addict. I have about a week or two of sobriety under my belt. My wife and I are trying to buy a house so that's currently keeping me away from restaurants!!! It's all back, belly and upper arms and I'm trying to lose it.

I also need nutrition advice. I am definitely someone that has played mind games with food. I don't consider myself active because other than cleaning my house - sometimes obsessively - and the strength training I've recently started, I don't really move around all that much so I consider myself sedentary, lightly active at best. Myfitnesspal put me at 1,200 and then 1,400 calories when I changed it to lightly active. Other sources have me at 1,600 to 1,800 calories. I'm erring on the side of caution and sticking to 1,400 calories and not freakin out if I'm a hundred over or under.

Thanks for listening/reading!


  • hkayy9
    hkayy9 Posts: 9 Member
    Best of luck on your journey! I too know the struggle of yoyoing! Sending support! :)
  • sarahplusnewby
    sarahplusnewby Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you for sharing your story. Something that I've found that helps me from overeating is to just imagine your dream body and remind yourself that only a few minutes of pleasure isn't worth years of self confidence. You can make it. Add me as a friend if you wish!