Looking for more friends!

fitRTs Posts: 58 Member
Hi Everyone,

I'm a 26 yr old Female looking for new MFP friends. I've been a yo-yo dieter and have tried to use MFP many times, but always ended up falling back on old habits. I've started adding friends and I feel like it's helping a lot to connect with people who are working towards the same goal, so I'd like to keep doing it! If you're looking for more friends, please feel free to add me.


I'm 5'7 and looking to lose about 70 pounds total to start. I've always been a bit "bigger" but ever since graduating college I feel like it's gotten out of control - whether due to lifestyle change, hormonal change, or whatever. I'm certainly not as active as I was when I lived on campus and was walking all day most days. I also used to horseback ride competitively, but with a full time job my riding schedule has gotten less frequent - though I try to fit it in at least once a week.

My diet isn't great. I'm a vegetarian and have been for most of my life, but I tend to binge on junk food when I'm bored or emotional. I've been fighting depression since I was about 11, and I think I've always used food as a coping mechanism. Working on eating more mindfully and working more veggies into my diet.

I have an old injury that tends to act up anytime I try to do any strenuous activity. I did complete physical therapy, but haven't been good about keeping up with the stretches or anything. I tend to use my shoulders and neck for most things rather than my abs, which is not helpful when attempting to recover from a trapezius strain (or whatever I did to it).

So, that's basically it. If you're looking for more MFP friends, feel free to add me - whether or not our goals are the same, we can work towards them!


  • calebisfat
    calebisfat Posts: 1 Member
    Hey. I'm Caleb Tanner and I just started this app. I could use some friends also
  • ashley_pbell
    ashley_pbell Posts: 5 Member
    Adding you!
  • lambeze12
    lambeze12 Posts: 44 Member
    I sent you a request :)
  • mlmacburnie
    mlmacburnie Posts: 2 Member
    I am new as well...just started yesterday. My goal is to lose 70 lbs...I do not have a target date..just the total amount of weight...I have a tendency to eat when stressed.. I am not a vegetarian... but realize I need to replace my bad foods with healthy veggies and or other better choices