Do you ever regret not taking a before picture?

osche731 Posts: 213 Member
Hi there,

I am just starting my weight loss journey and I'm about 15 lbs down. But I haven't noticed a difference. I'm thinking of taking a before picture so I have something to go off of. Do any of you regret not taking a before picture?
On a side note, how many pounds lost did it take for you to really become motivated?


  • branbuds
    branbuds Posts: 624 Member
    Take the photos! So many people talk about how motivating it is when they compare their before pics to their current pics.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    I do! I don't have a proper before picture because I never let them be taken. The picture that I use as my before picture around these parts is actually around 20 pounds below my highest weight.
  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,150 Member
    Nope! I never took before pictures and I don't regret it. Probably because I only needed a little over 10lbs to lose but I always let the scale and my clothes guide my progress, and I still do. I don't take measurements too often either because I suck at it.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    edited December 2016
    osche731 wrote: »
    Hi there,

    I am just starting my weight loss journey and I'm about 15 lbs down. But I haven't noticed a difference. I'm thinking of taking a before picture so I have something to go off of. Do any of you regret not taking a before picture?
    On a side note, how many pounds lost did it take for you to really become motivated?

    Don't forget the tape measure too as that's pretty empowering when you can't see a change in photos! I need to update mine on MFP now they've added more than 3 you can track.

    I don't even know if I had to lose a pound to become motivated. When my eating became more normalized and I cut the quantity down I began feeling a whole lot better. Or course once I began moving more I did as well. Pounds off the scale are an indicator but for me I found so many other things motivating as well. Loose clothing, moving around more easily, flexibility, sleeping better etc. Because sometimes it's inches before pounds drop off. I suppose if I had to give a number it would probably be a couple lbs. because any amount makes me feel a chance in my body. I had a lot to lose and still have a chunk to drop but now when I drop some it makes me realize as long as I'm going in the right direction all is good! lol

    Oh and regarding photos along the way... I do wish I had taken photos more frequently along the way so I could do more comparisons. Nothing stopping me I suppose and I doubt I'll regret it if I start now. So I think I will start so I don't regret that I didn't later. It seems harder for ppl (from posts I've read) that don't have before photos or only a couple of them to really see the difference in their body changes. Mental changes as well... I don't want to get to a healthier place and still feel like I'm in the same body... that would be a total mind nightmare!

    Your thread made me stop and think... thanks! :smiley:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    My first "before" picture was when I was about 15 Lbs that point you couldn't really tell I'd lost weight anyways because most of it came from my extremities...and I'm pretty sure nobody really could notice that my fingers were skinnier.
  • Thehardmakesitworthit
    YES! Take a posed photo. I REGRET not doing it....but the mind is a powerful thing and I could not bear to see what I had done to this bod. So yes! It is said you should not look back but in this case, you will want to!
  • Bentforkx
    Bentforkx Posts: 69 Member
    Not enough to go back to that shape to get one!!
  • DezYaoified
    DezYaoified Posts: 143 Member
    I regret not taking one. I took my 'before' pic after i lost 5 pounds. And i didnt notice any difference until 10 pounds after that! Its slow but when you notice that difference it is so amazing!
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I wish I would have. My highest weight is 260 lbs and the only pictures of me are in a hospital bed or wheelchair (right after emergency csection).
    I didn't start taking pictures until I was 210 lbs!! Can you imagine the difference I would see in before/after comparisons if I had actually taken before shots? I regret not taking pictures sooner.
  • VeggieBarbells
    VeggieBarbells Posts: 175 Member
    I take pictures regularly, it really helps focus the mind. The camera never lies yet so many are afraid of what the camera tells. I couldn't give a hoot and believe it keeps me on the straight and narrow instead of pretending to myself.

    Sidenote: I became motivated when the NSV came thick and fast. I wanted more comments so I tried even more and the rest is history. I hope you keep losing steadily and never ever give up.
  • Chadxx
    Chadxx Posts: 1,199 Member
    Eh, maybe a little but while I don't have "before pictures", there are plenty of pictures from before. It amazes me to look at them and see how much I have changed in only 5 months.
  • SiegfriedXXL
    SiegfriedXXL Posts: 219 Member
    edited December 2016
    I regret not taking a formal, posed picture. The "before" picture I use is actually about 25 pounds lighter than my highest. I still look about the same, because as @cwolfman13 already mentioned, it was all from the fingers and legs at first, but it still gives me an idea. I would do it. Even seeing my "almost before" picture gives me a lot of motivation.
  • rachelr1116
    rachelr1116 Posts: 334 Member
    I wish I had a better picture to use as my before picture. The one I usually use is from Facebook and the quality isn't the best. Most of my other pictures of me at my starting weight are of me in some type of costume (I do historical reenactments) so it's hard to get a sense of what I really look like. I do have better pictures from a few weeks after I started using MFP so they're probably pretty accurate, I just know I'd already lost some weight by then even if it was mostly water weight.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    osche731 wrote: »
    Hi there,

    I am just starting my weight loss journey and I'm about 15 lbs down. But I haven't noticed a difference. I'm thinking of taking a before picture so I have something to go off of. Do any of you regret not taking a before picture?
    On a side note, how many pounds lost did it take for you to really become motivated?

    I personally think the idea of before, during, and after pictures is good...

    But keep in mind that initial weight loss isn't always particularly noticeable...particularly if you have a lot to lose. People tend to have this image in their head of losing weight all over, all at once and that's not how it usually happens.

    Our "problem" areas tend to be the most noticeable...and they tend to be where we are really looking for change...but unfortunately our "problem" areas also tend to be primary fat stores which means they are first on, last off.

    I lost 40 Lbs all said and done...from 220 - 200 you couldn't really tell unless you were very keen on looking at my fingers or happened to notice that my neck shrunk a bit, etc. from 200 - 190 people (and myself) finally noticed some actual changes as my face became slimmer, I lost the extra chin, and my belly started to shrink. 190 - 180 was a pretty substantial difference in my belly which was the most noticeable of anything...but yeah, that was 40 Lbs later.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    Already kind of do and Im down 20-25lbs although Im not saying I want that time at my high weight documented Lol
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    osche731 wrote: »
    Hi there,

    I am just starting my weight loss journey and I'm about 15 lbs down. But I haven't noticed a difference. I'm thinking of taking a before picture so I have something to go off of. Do any of you regret not taking a before picture?
    On a side note, how many pounds lost did it take for you to really become motivated?

    My first set "before" picture was after about 4-5 months of lifting. I wish I had a true before picture. That is what keeps you motivated, seeing how far you've come. For me, when I started getting stronger I felt more motivated and it's continued ever since.
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    If I had just gone by my weight as a read of progress, I would have been screwed. I started off around 100 lbs. and am now 115-118 lbs. but significantly more toned and definitely stronger.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I have a family picture with me at my highest weight and it's enough for me. Ugh.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    edited December 2016
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