Mom Strong Challenge



  • graceanthony19
    graceanthony19 Posts: 47 Member
    My goal is to get back the motivation! I was down a few months from surgery and I can't seem to get back at it!!

    It is always hard to get back into the routine! Then once you do, your like "why was this so hard, I knew I would feel great for doing it"

    A body in motion stays in motion, so let's get in motion! After a tummy bug I haven't worked out in like a week!

    I promise to get my workout in TODAY!

    What workouts did you enjoy doing before your injury? Are you able to workout again yet, or are you going to focus on nutrition for a while?
  • graceanthony19
    graceanthony19 Posts: 47 Member
    lshona wrote: »
    Hi! I would like to join. I'm a mom of 4. 19, 16, 14, & 11. Im a registered nurse, I work 3, 12 HR shifts 7p-7a. I've gained back around 10lbs. Really struggling! h87gk0ul5dku.jpg

    Hello, and welcome to the group! Working nights are so tough. My sister was a RN on nights for three years and it really took a toll on her mentally and physically. It's hard to get on an eating schedule too.

    What is your current eating schedule like?
  • akmomof7
    akmomof7 Posts: 162 Member
    Good morning ladies!!!! What are everyone's starting weights as of today? I also encourage everyone to take before pics and measurements so they can see how far they have progressed throughout this challenge!

    I'm also running a free 5 day Crockpot group over on Facebook this week, so I'll post some recipes for ideas here later.

    I am starting this week at 147. Thanksgiving was tough for me! Lol trying to get through Christmas without any gain.
    I am starting this morning at 140.2. I definitely need to take some pictures as I won't be getting much feedback from the scale at this point!

    Today I plan to get in a hilly walk on the treadmill. I have a few different circuit workouts I am going to try and fit in. (15 min. Betty Rocker workout plus a 12 minute ab workout) Yesterday I did a good run and an upper body focus workout and a short ab workout. Some days I struggle to find the time to fit in the exercise with the little kids, so I try to keep my workout gear on and do short workouts whenever the twins get occupied. And then if I don't get lucky enough to get them both down for a good nap to get mom some treadmill time, it's ok because at least I have a little bit of activity done!

    Crock pot recipes sound great! I bought myself an Instant Pot on black Friday and am having fun converting slow cooker recipes for the pressure cooker!

  • graceanthony19
    graceanthony19 Posts: 47 Member
    Morning everyone! So, had a mini meltdown last night over something silly, and was feeling like I was failing as a grown up. lol

    What could have easily turned into stress eating for me, didn’t. So small victory for me.

    There are a ton of awesome slow cooker recipes going on in my Facebook group right now but I wanted to share the two I will personally be trying this week.

    Seasoned Chicken, Potatoes and green beans -

    I love how this is just a meal in one pot.


    3lb of chicken breast
    a big jar of Salsa
    2 cans of corn
    2 cans of beans
    and cook on low for 8 hrs or high for 4

    A woman in group swears that this recipe is delicious. I am going to try it and I really hope it is because it so super simple and low in cals.
  • graceanthony19
    graceanthony19 Posts: 47 Member
    edited December 2016


    I am starting this morning at 140.2. I definitely need to take some pictures as I won't be getting much feedback from the scale at this point!

    Today I plan to get in a hilly walk on the treadmill. I have a few different circuit workouts I am going to try and fit in. (15 min. Betty Rocker workout plus a 12 minute ab workout) Yesterday I did a good run and an upper body focus workout and a short ab workout. Some days I struggle to find the time to fit in the exercise with the little kids, so I try to keep my workout gear on and do short workouts whenever the twins get occupied. And then if I don't get lucky enough to get them both down for a good nap to get mom some treadmill time, it's ok because at least I have a little bit of activity done!

    Crock pot recipes sound great! I bought myself an Instant Pot on black Friday and am having fun converting slow cooker recipes for the pressure cooker!


    Morning akmomof7!

    How was your walk yesterday? I find I have to do the same thing most days and break my workouts into a couple of different ones. My boys never nap at the same time! Although, sometimes my 3yr old enjoys working out with me.

    It's a good idea taking pics to track progress, especially when you are already at, or close to your goal weight. I was at my goal weight and focusing on toning. But the week of (and week after) thanksgiving was tough for me and I ended up gaining a little. I know, for me, I can't go below 135/140lbs. It just doesn't look good on me.
  • graceanthony19
    graceanthony19 Posts: 47 Member
    Good Morning -

    I have two goals for the next 30 days - lose 8 pounds and participate in 1 fitness or wellness community event.

    Best of luck to all of you ladies here is to hard work!

    Great goals! What kind of community event? I have done a couple of titan/mud runs. They were SOOOO much fun!
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,275 Member
    Hi everyone! This morning I weighed in at 166.5 :( I've had the hardest time losing weight since my youngest was born. I blame it on lack of sleep (she'll be 1 next month and still isn't sleeping through the night!) but my eating habits aren't great either. My husband has a weird schedule, he works 8 days then he's off for 6. Its hard to stay on track when he's eating junk in front of me all day. Right now my main goal is to exercise 5x a week for a whole year! I've done it for about 3 1/2 months so far but I know the holidays and having family visiting will make it harder!
  • akmomof7
    akmomof7 Posts: 162 Member
    Hi girls! Doing great with my exercise, but food is out of control this week! Too much stress and I am not dealing well. Got a good run in yesterday. Today was a walk with a little running thrown in. Calisthenics and circuit training! Lots of core work which is great because I am still so weak after the twin pregnancy!
  • Restoredvitality
    Restoredvitality Posts: 16 Member
    Can I join also? I'm a Mom to two amazing boys, 9 and almost 7
  • graceanthony19
    graceanthony19 Posts: 47 Member
    Can I join also? I'm a Mom to two amazing boys, 9 and almost 7

    Of course you can! Welcome!
  • graceanthony19
    graceanthony19 Posts: 47 Member
    akmomof7 wrote: »
    Hi girls! Doing great with my exercise, but food is out of control this week! Too much stress and I am not dealing well. Got a good run in yesterday. Today was a walk with a little running thrown in. Calisthenics and circuit training! Lots of core work which is great because I am still so weak after the twin pregnancy!

    Great job getting your exercise in!!!! Sometimes when our eating gets off track it is hard to find the motivation to work out.
  • graceanthony19
    graceanthony19 Posts: 47 Member
    thedestar wrote: »
    Hi everyone! This morning I weighed in at 166.5 :( I've had the hardest time losing weight since my youngest was born. I blame it on lack of sleep (she'll be 1 next month and still isn't sleeping through the night!) but my eating habits aren't great either. My husband has a weird schedule, he works 8 days then he's off for 6. Its hard to stay on track when he's eating junk in front of me all day. Right now my main goal is to exercise 5x a week for a whole year! I've done it for about 3 1/2 months so far but I know the holidays and having family visiting will make it harder!

    How's it going? Have you been able to get any workouts in with the family visiting?
  • andreacruz1205
    andreacruz1205 Posts: 3 Member
    I would like to join, but I'm not sure how. I'm a mom of two boys...ages 15 and 5. My weight as of this morning is 216.2, and my goal weight is either 130 or 135...I can't remember. I don't struggle with healthy eating. Rather, it is exercise. I'm working on it make exercise my friend instead of my enemy.
  • Hi,
    I am mom of 15mos old. I've had some success losing weight on my own but looking to take it up a notch still a ways from my goal weight. How do I join the group?
  • linagogirl
    linagogirl Posts: 7 Member
    Can I join? I have one very active 8 yr old boy. Between working and meeting his needs (special)....I'm typically mentally tired and do a lot of emotional eating...Anyway, this month I decided to take charge of my calorie intake, resulting in a 8 pound lose for Dec....YES!! I would love to get ideas from other mother along this journey.
  • akmomof7
    akmomof7 Posts: 162 Member
    I am mom of 15mos old. I've had some success losing weight on my own but looking to take it up a notch still a ways from my goal weight. How do I join the group?

    Hi there! Welcome to the group! My twins are 15 months as well, what a fun, but exhausting age!

    @linagogirl Way to go losing 8 pounds! I totally understand the struggle with emotional eating! My 20 year old son has very severe autism and I reached my heaviest weight when he was having his hardest time! He's in a group home now, so I don't have the day to day care giving anymore, but still have plenty of worry. We just finished fighting the state in court for funding, which was super stressful!

    I am back at it today. I have a run planned, also want to get in a core workout and some dumbbell weight work. We will see what the munchkins let me do today!
  • BayAskew
    BayAskew Posts: 12 Member
    I'm in!