Severe depression

Anyone else have the unseen war going on on their head? With the medications and fatigue forcing myself to get up and workout can be rough.some days i feel like a million bucks other days not so much. Would be nice to have a couple motivators who know the struggle of having a mental illness.


  • hzl22
    hzl22 Posts: 157 Member
    Fake it until you make it
  • tafregnolon
    tafregnolon Posts: 16 Member
    I have some mental disorders. I'm on disability for some of them. Medication only does so much for me. Struggle daily.
  • mrsmammahunter
    mrsmammahunter Posts: 221 Member
    I take welbutrin and celexa but i still struggle with anxiety. I am on the max dose of welbutrin nothing else has worked with little side effects like welbutrin has but i still struggle with some days i feel like everyrhing is crashing around me.
  • Mirelle242
    Mirelle242 Posts: 63 Member
    Hey I struggle with depression and anxiety I'm actually starting therapy on Monday. It's hard to lose weight sometimes because food is usually my escape but without using food to make me feel better it forces me to ask myself what's really going on in my head
  • mrsmammahunter
    mrsmammahunter Posts: 221 Member
  • jules81
    jules81 Posts: 83 Member
    I suffer with serve depression and have been hospitlized because of it. i am on so many meds xxxx
  • DezYaoified
    DezYaoified Posts: 143 Member
    OCD, drepression, and bipolar but unable to take meds for it because i have a pill phobia and my doctor refuses to give me anything but pills. Says i need to face my phobia first. But when you have parts of yourself attacking on top of depression its hard to face something that brings out fear.

    At least my OCD is mostly calm and focuses mainly on numbers.
  • PeachesNcreamgal
    PeachesNcreamgal Posts: 357 Member
    Yup depression, suicidal thoughts and anxiety are the only friends I have :s
  • psychgirl_02
    psychgirl_02 Posts: 10 Member
    I have major depressive disorder. I'm also a psychiatric social worker and counselor. Honestly, medication is very important to treat the problems with neurological transmitters. And therapy is important. Therapy can help you manage your symptoms since medications only do so much. Like a diabetic taking insulin, they also have to watch their diet. They cannot rely on insulin alone. I'd get into some counseling and see if that helps. It helped me learn to manage my anxiety and depression better. And stay compliant with medications. Good luck!
  • psychgirl_02
    psychgirl_02 Posts: 10 Member
    Yup depression, suicidal thoughts and anxiety are the only friends I have :s

    Please talk to someone you trust is you have suicidal thoughts. Go to the emergency room or a crisis center. Or call the National Suicide Lifeline 1-800-273-8255. There are people who want to help.
  • mrsmammahunter
    mrsmammahunter Posts: 221 Member
    While I agree that popping a anxiety pill every time you start to feel something isn't a good choice people tend to forget that mild amounts of anxiety is a good natural response to stress that everyone encounters. However anxiety disorder isn't JUST anxiety it physically hurts your heart feels like its going to explode out of your chest you feel so hot and sick and like your going to through up you get jittery and panic and obsess and worry about stuff you shouldnt worry out. Its EXHAUSTING having anxiety and the worse part is you can go weeks handling things normal and strong then a month of weakness and pain. Anxiety is thrown around to much it makes the waters muddy for those of us who genuinely are sick and medications save our lives.
  • mrsmammahunter
    mrsmammahunter Posts: 221 Member
    I mean do you think we like that we cant function like everyone else taking a lot of meds makes me feel weak I dont WANT to take medications but its a much needed part of my life.
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    It's always hard to hear "fake it til you make it" when you feel like you're not going to. Also hard to hear "Just smile... just be happy, etc" when it's clear that you can't control it. If you could, you wouldn't be asking for help!!

    All I can say is, you are stronger than you think. Take the good with the bad, keep pushing. YOU GOT THIS. I did go to counseling for a bit, then stopped. People also tell me to try the meds, but I do not want to... and I have yet to take them, although some times I think it may help.

    I just take each day one step at a time, and get through it. It's easier said than done, but you're already doing a major part with taking control of it! Good for you!
  • espomama12
    espomama12 Posts: 8 Member
    I have bipolar and anxiety and it sucks some days. Hang in there!!
  • KyleGrace8
    KyleGrace8 Posts: 2,205 Member
    Depression and anxiety. The struggle is real but getting fit seems to be helping.
  • bhurley100
    bhurley100 Posts: 201 Member
    I am what most psychiatrists call a success story. I am a survivor. Antidepressants do help. It might take a while to find what works for you.

    My story is rather long but I am better. It took a long time to get where I am right now but life is worth living.