Running for weight loss?

I am in my first week of c25k. I've bounced from DVD to DVD and on and off the treadmill forever but I started again. I'm 5'4 152 and need to lose some of this 'baby weight'. Can't blame her she's almost 19 months old now. I'm looking for friends who are starting or do run and need to lose. Just need motivation


  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    Stop running start lifting weights it's better for you and more effective for weight loss. Use running/ cardio to break through plateau and then hold off until you plateau again
    CMNVA Posts: 733 Member
    I'm 52 years old and just completed C25K. It definitely helped with my weight loss but probably not until Week 5. I would say to keep doing it but do it ONLY as the program suggests which is 3 times a week. You might be tempted to do more (I was as I just wanted to finish it) but don't. On at least 2 other days, I would suggest you do resistance training as the other poster recommends.
  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member
    I run 3 to 4 days a week and strength train on the other days. I dropped 37lbs as soon as I started running. I am now hooked. I have just registered for my first 10km in outdoor training it is for me!!! Brrrrr -12c this morning!!
  • amberhilleary326
    amberhilleary326 Posts: 11 Member
    I was thinking about doing weights on Tuesday Thursday and maybe Saturdays too. Yoga Sundays. Run the other three days. I have so many weight dvds from jillian michaels and beachbody, also have trx system (the $30 one off amazon) and adjustable weight bench at home with treadmill and elliptical. There's no excuse but too many options!
  • HaleCry
    HaleCry Posts: 387 Member
    I have similar stats to you.. I'm 5'3 and currently 151lbs (started at 181). I only started exercising so I could eat my exercise calories.. so I can't say it has done much for my weight loss. But I feel so much fitter and have more energy, and can eat more but still lose! I completed C25K about 3 weeks ago. I was gradually increasing the time I ran for weekly, but my treadmill died. I've never liked exercise, especially running! I could barely jog the 60 seconds in the beginning, but 3 weeks ago I was running for 35 minutes without stopping.

    Long story short, I miss it so much that I've just bought a new treadmill! I can't wait to get back to it, I never thought that would be something I'd say... stick to it and go very slow! You can do it! And after a while you'll be able to do it and may even start to enjoy it.

    Add me if you want :smile:
  • Ayalaandrew8899
    Ayalaandrew8899 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, first off great choice to make a difference to better your health. First off I'd like to say that running is a great way to lose calories and burn fat, more specifically interval running. It helped me lose so much weight while I went through basic training; keeps your heart rate up actively moving very quickly and is high intensity. But if running isn't your thing there are many other forms of cardio such as row machines, bicycle machines, stair machines, swimming etc. The list goes on! Find something you'd enjoy or wouldn't mind as much and dedicate about 20 minutes on that particular cardio activity. More than 20 minutes or after a long period of time and cardio begins to take burn muscle instead of fat. Also be in a calorie deficit. 2k calories is usually a good start point. I personally have about 1900-2000 calories a day with about a Gallon of water a day. Weights is also good and does dburn calories and fat but just at a slower rate but it is a great compliment to cardio. Best of luck to you! Feel free to add me if you wish.
  • sherbear702
    sherbear702 Posts: 649 Member
    YouTube has a ton of fitness videos. There's cardio, strength training, HIIT, Pilates, yoga. You can literally do something different every day..for free! Runnings great and all, but mixing it up is fun too