First timer NEED HELP

Hey! I'm extremely unfit. I used to be underweight but now I'm a bit over the ideal weight. I've never exercised properly even though I played tennis close to 12 years during school. Any recommendations on how I should start fitness exercises? I need to reduce weight, inches and get rid of extra body fat.



  • mgalovic01
    mgalovic01 Posts: 388 Member
    Go back to playing tennis?
  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    Choose an activity that interests you and ease into it. If you want to run, don't try to run a 5K your first time out; try something like C25K to help you build up your stamina and avoid injury. If you want to lift, pick a beginner program (see here: and start with light weights for your first couple of sessions so you don't end up so sore that you skip sessions. But just get out there, try things, and find something you enjoy enough to stick with.
  • steelcutfit
    steelcutfit Posts: 6 Member
    I think chocolate_owl nailed it when it comes to the activity / calorie burning part. However, do you have a nutrition plan in place as well? If you really want to see body changes in the manner you described, calorie intake both in quantity and type of calorie can make a more significant impact.