oh how motivating the water weight loss

sturgeonml2017 Posts: 46 Member
edited December 2016 in Getting Started
20 days and I'm down 12 pounds! I'm fully aware this won't continue and I'm perfectly happy with 1 to 2 a week at this point (and less the closer I get). I have a kidney disease and retain water so even though that number is mostly water weight loss it still feels good to have it gone. Feels super motivating though! Fist mini goal was to be at my pre pregnancy weight and get out of maternity jeans (baby is 4 months on Jan. 3Rd) so I still have 7 pounds to go but the non mommy jeans fit again! Woohoo. Hope everyone has a blessed day!


  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Yep. I'm 11 months in and just finished an extended water-whoosh which purged the evidence of a prior month of indiscipline.
  • sturgeonml2017
    sturgeonml2017 Posts: 46 Member
    And I was so grossed out by my neck fat, turns out I was really puffy from the water retention...still double chin...lol...but not nearly as puffy. Its just motivating to see progress. Any progress. Big or small!