Vegan on a weight loss journey

Found my TDEE and it is different from what MFP gave me. I used my BF% in the calculator and it reads 2110. MFP says 2380. I am 5ft9 and 244.
Wanting to keep my calories at "not active" so that I eat back my activity my Fitbit adds in.

Suggestions on what I should set it on?

5ft9 244 42%bf goal to lose 2lbs per weeks


  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Honestly, the only way to find out is to try one out for a month or so and see what happens! Neither one is a crazy out there figure.

    If you try the lower one and find your too hungry, bump up to the higher one. If you start with the higher one and after 4 weeks you are losing too slowly, drop down to the lower one.

    The formulas are just estimates so just get started and make sure you keep learning along the way :drinker: Good luck!
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    MFP doesn't generate a TDEE for you -- it gives you NEAT (the calories you burn without purposeful exercise). That's probably why you see a difference.

    It doesn't really matter if you use your TDEE or NEAT, the important thing is to be consistent with whichever you choose. If you want to eat back calories and you think this will change from day-to-day, NEAT may be better for you. But people have had success with both methods.

    If you plan on using MFP for logging, why not try the calorie goal it generates and adjust from there if you're losing too much/too little?
  • Thanks guys!! I'll see how using the MFP set does for me for a couple weeks
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    Couple of weeks really isn't long enough to get a decent weight loss trend. Your weight will bounce around too much. Month is better. But if you find yourself overly hungry after a couple of weeks, then look at bumping your calories.

    Also, plan to not eat back all your fitbit calories, just because it is probably generous in what it calculates. Most here say to eat back 50%-75% to be safe.