Wanted - Supportive and Motovational Friends

Hey guys!

My name is Ayla and I'm 25, almost 26 years old. In the past 5 years of dating my current boyfriend, I have gained 20-30 pounds. I know it's a normal thing but I am over feeling bloated and tired all the time. I'm also sick of hating my body and being jealous of other girls. Not a good thing, I have learned. So I need people who are on all the time, actively log their meals, and can have some love and some tough love to get me going on the right track when I want to give up. If you're that person, please, please, PLEASE add me. I give all the same back.

Can't wait to hear from you guys!



  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited December 2016
    Hi Ayla! I'm Elise. Been here for.... Ummmm 4 years? Ima recovering runner, been down for 186 days. I'm always up for helping others.

    Im a sloppy eater though (pizza, pie, brownies especially this time of year). I just try to keep it out of the ditches!

    Good luck on your journey!
  • bhurley100
    bhurley100 Posts: 201 Member
    Hi, I'm Brittany! Everyone is welcome to add me. Ayla, message me anytime you need a push! I am going through mfp round 2 after getting off track. Together we CAN do this!!
  • bhurley100
    bhurley100 Posts: 201 Member
    Friend request sent
  • wayne2017
    wayne2017 Posts: 26 Member
    I am the same!! I have been with my partner 5 years and have gained 6 stone. He still looks like a twig and am just fat!! My current weight is 18stone. My hope is 11