Knowing Better, Doing Better

After not stepping on a scale for a really long time, I decided to bite the bullet and see what I was working with. And wow did that send me into a tailspin. Although, I should not have been, I was completely thrown back by the number. I decided then and there I was not going to let it go any further. I have been actively and consistently using the site for nearly a week now and have lost nearly 5 pounds! It's amazing the difference it makes when I think about what I am puting in my mouth. I love that I can input my food before I eat and can see the nutrition info on it. That has really saved me. I am learning so much about food, exercise, and myself. I find myself craving more information about how to better take care of myself.

When you know better, you do better.


  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    Good for you. I felt the same way when I started. This has been the best thing since sliced bread. Sorry, sliced wheat bread. LOL!
  • CampinGal34
    CampinGal34 Posts: 84 Member
    Amen!!! Thanks for sharing! That's so true. I think a lot of our stories begin like yours. Mine did :)
    But, yes, we know better and we WILL do better, right?!!
    Keep it up! Love your attitude!
  • shonasteele
    shonasteele Posts: 473
    Great first week!!!!! (Just remember that it will slow down after the first week or two).

    Love love love this site - it makes you so aware of all your choices (sometimes it's too late but live & learn right!) and the support and encouragement are fantastic! Feel free to friend me! And best of luck with your new knowledge (and power!).
  • katy4193
    katy4193 Posts: 44
    I completely agree! I think twice before I eat things and now if I really want something like the pizza I had tonight, I earn it with a good workout first! I have really changed in the month and a half I have been on here and am loving it..feel free to add me if you'd like more support!
  • Shantre
    Shantre Posts: 66 Member
    The good thing about this site is that we can become our own nutritionists. By checking calories in everything it really makes you think twice about what you put in your mouth. I agree with you.
  • kimberg75
    kimberg75 Posts: 412 Member
    Isn't this site amazing!? I know I wouldn't be where I am today without the help of this site (reached the halfway point today!) It really does keep you accountable to yourself knowing you will be logging your food later. I also love that I plan my meals ahead of time to make sure I don't go over my calorie goal....I never would have cared how many calories were in something before MFP.
    Good for you on taking the first step to a healthier you!! Best of luck to you!
    Sending you a friend request....the more support the better. :happy: