
Any opinions? I'm not in shape but I'm seriously interested in losing at least 40 pounds or looking better. I'm sickly and tired a lot.


  • bcchast
    bcchast Posts: 26 Member
    I've completed P90 and insanity, both of which you have the option of doing it at your own pace. BUT... the first time I attempted it, I found my self getting discouraged a lot because I was bad out of shape and couldn't keep up, not that it couldn't be done, but I couldn't keep up, I wanted to puke and the next day I was so sore I could barely function. Once I had lost the first 20-30 pounds I found it much more challenging and enjoyable. Not everyone is the same, I like to set smaller goals and build on them like a snowball, other people can just head first and do it. Honestly I lost 30 pounds in about 2 months from nothing but diet and running. It took about 30 minutes a day 5 days a week. I couldn't even do a mile without stopping at first. I had the same problem, I was hurting and out of shape. P90 is a great program and I recommend it 100% but you just have to go into it realistically. Those guys are already in shape, keep an open mind and do your best and give it your all and you'll see results. Hope this is helpful
  • M_Izod91
    M_Izod91 Posts: 25 Member
    I am currently doing it now. I have had it for awhile and my first go round with as mentioned above was awful. It was very upsetting, and I was more discouraged than any thing. I changed my diet, started building up more strength and running and walking treadmill everyday I lost ten pounds in 2 months just from that. Now that I'm on my second round of p90x it is much more doable and have lost a total of 37 pounds. A lot of people that head for p90x is more looking into for toning and building muscle and strength not weighloss itself. Nutrition should be your number one. I recommend it, definitely. But don't get too discouraged your first round if you don't see the results you are expecting. Pace your self, stop when you know you need to, then try to build up the next time. That's the fantastic thing about it is you can go your pace and eventually you'll be flying right along with Tony ;)
  • Chrissy100883
    Chrissy100883 Posts: 22 Member
    M_Izod91 wrote: »
    I am currently doing it now. I have had it for awhile and my first go round with as mentioned above was awful. It was very upsetting, and I was more discouraged than any thing. I changed my diet, started building up more strength and running and walking treadmill everyday I lost ten pounds in 2 months just from that. Now that I'm on my second round of p90x it is much more doable and have lost a total of 37 pounds. A lot of people that head for p90x is more looking into for toning and building muscle and strength not weighloss itself. Nutrition should be your number one. I recommend it, definitely. But don't get too discouraged your first round if you don't see the results you are expecting. Pace your self, stop when you know you need to, then try to build up the next time. That's the fantastic thing about it is you can go your pace and eventually you'll be flying right along with Tony ;)

    Diet is hard for me since I'm a cook in a kitchen and cooking after work is just tiring. But I feel like if I focused enough on p90x I could do well. I can't run at all, I mean for a minute but I have Asthma so I choke and gasp a lot... but losing 29 pounds in 2 months and feeling better really appeals to me. My goal is to lose 40 pounds currently.

    P.s. I accidentally declined your request... I rerequested you.
  • M_Izod91
    M_Izod91 Posts: 25 Member
    M_Izod91 wrote: »
    I am currently doing it now. I have had it for awhile and my first go round with as mentioned above was awful. It was very upsetting, and I was more discouraged than any thing. I changed my diet, started building up more strength and running and walking treadmill everyday I lost ten pounds in 2 months just from that. Now that I'm on my second round of p90x it is much more doable and have lost a total of 37 pounds. A lot of people that head for p90x is more looking into for toning and building muscle and strength not weighloss itself. Nutrition should be your number one. I recommend it, definitely. But don't get too discouraged your first round if you don't see the results you are expecting. Pace your self, stop when you know you need to, then try to build up the next time. That's the fantastic thing about it is you can go your pace and eventually you'll be flying right along with Tony ;)

    Diet is hard for me since I'm a cook in a kitchen and cooking after work is just tiring. But I feel like if I focused enough on p90x I could do well. I can't run at all, I mean for a minute but I have Asthma so I choke and gasp a lot... but losing 29 pounds in 2 months and feeling better really appeals to me. My goal is to lose 40 pounds currently.

    P.s. I accidentally declined your request... I rerequested you.
    I also have asthma so I feel your struggle there. That being said , p90x will definitely take a toll on you. But once again, pace your self and make sure you keep track of everything when you and if you do it. That will help you build reps and last longer through the circuits. I believe it is definitely worth it if you dedicate yourself to it fully ❤️
  • Chrissy100883
    Chrissy100883 Posts: 22 Member
    M_Izod91 wrote: »
    M_Izod91 wrote: »
    I am currently doing it now. I have had it for awhile and my first go round with as mentioned above was awful. It was very upsetting, and I was more discouraged than any thing. I changed my diet, started building up more strength and running and walking treadmill everyday I lost ten pounds in 2 months just from that. Now that I'm on my second round of p90x it is much more doable and have lost a total of 37 pounds. A lot of people that head for p90x is more looking into for toning and building muscle and strength not weighloss itself. Nutrition should be your number one. I recommend it, definitely. But don't get too discouraged your first round if you don't see the results you are expecting. Pace your self, stop when you know you need to, then try to build up the next time. That's the fantastic thing about it is you can go your pace and eventually you'll be flying right along with Tony ;)

    Diet is hard for me since I'm a cook in a kitchen and cooking after work is just tiring. But I feel like if I focused enough on p90x I could do well. I can't run at all, I mean for a minute but I have Asthma so I choke and gasp a lot... but losing 29 pounds in 2 months and feeling better really appeals to me. My goal is to lose 40 pounds currently.

    P.s. I accidentally declined your request... I rerequested you.
    I also have asthma so I feel your struggle there. That being said , p90x will definitely take a toll on you. But once again, pace your self and make sure you keep track of everything when you and if you do it. That will help you build reps and last longer through the circuits. I believe it is definitely worth it if you dedicate yourself to it fully ❤️
    Question: do you think I should start off with p90x or with a lesser routine first??
  • pcdoctor01
    pcdoctor01 Posts: 389 Member
    Start with a lesser routine first or modify and work your way up to the original exercises.
  • Pathman1
    Pathman1 Posts: 52 Member
    I've did P90X last summer. It is a decent workout but don't expect progress near what the ads show. I think I dropped 3 lbs and got more defined abs and arms doing it. I definitely felt stronger and could do more pushups and pullups after it was done. I don't think it's that bad, just work to whatever your fitness level is and then increase your weights/reps as you get stronger.
  • Chrissy100883
    Chrissy100883 Posts: 22 Member
    Pathman1 wrote: »
    I've did P90X last summer. It is a decent workout but don't expect progress near what the ads show. I think I dropped 3 lbs and got more defined abs and arms doing it. I definitely felt stronger and could do more pushups and pullups after it was done. I don't think it's that bad, just work to whatever your fitness level is and then increase your weights/reps as you get stronger.

    Ah, I'm looking to shed some pounds or at least look less... gourdlike...
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    Any opinions? I'm not in shape but I'm seriously interested in losing at least 40 pounds or looking better. I'm sickly and tired a lot.

    I did P90X3 and lost 30 lbs over 90 days. It got me in great shape and wasn't so hard I couldn't do the workouts. It totally helped me get in great shape!! I lost the remaining 12 lbs afterwards. Started running and doing body pump, and lifting.
  • M_Izod91
    M_Izod91 Posts: 25 Member
    M_Izod91 wrote: »
    M_Izod91 wrote: »
    I am currently doing it now. I have had it for awhile and my first go round with as mentioned above was awful. It was very upsetting, and I was more discouraged than any thing. I changed my diet, started building up more strength and running and walking treadmill everyday I lost ten pounds in 2 months just from that. Now that I'm on my second round of p90x it is much more doable and have lost a total of 37 pounds. A lot of people that head for p90x is more looking into for toning and building muscle and strength not weighloss itself. Nutrition should be your number one. I recommend it, definitely. But don't get too discouraged your first round if you don't see the results you are expecting. Pace your self, stop when you know you need to, then try to build up the next time. That's the fantastic thing about it is you can go your pace and eventually you'll be flying right along with Tony ;)

    Diet is hard for me since I'm a cook in a kitchen and cooking after work is just tiring. But I feel like if I focused enough on p90x I could do well. I can't run at all, I mean for a minute but I have Asthma so I choke and gasp a lot... but losing 29 pounds in 2 months and feeling better really appeals to me. My goal is to lose 40 pounds currently.

    P.s. I accidentally declined your request... I rerequested you.
    I also have asthma so I feel your struggle there. That being said , p90x will definitely take a toll on you. But once again, pace your self and make sure you keep track of everything when you and if you do it. That will help you build reps and last longer through the circuits. I believe it is definitely worth it if you dedicate yourself to it fully ❤️
    Question: do you think I should start off with p90x or with a lesser routine first??
    You can most definitely purchase this and modify the workouts that best suits your level of intensity, and increase as you feel you are ready. Challenging yourself will get great results but don't over do it. You know your body best and if it doesn't feel right lessen the reps or time and try again the next time. Build your self up.
    I shed a lot of my weight by dance fitness, running and getting my eating habits under control.
  • Chrissy100883
    Chrissy100883 Posts: 22 Member
    M_Izod91 wrote: »
    M_Izod91 wrote: »
    M_Izod91 wrote: »
    I am currently doing it now. I have had it for awhile and my first go round with as mentioned above was awful. It was very upsetting, and I was more discouraged than any thing. I changed my diet, started building up more strength and running and walking treadmill everyday I lost ten pounds in 2 months just from that. Now that I'm on my second round of p90x it is much more doable and have lost a total of 37 pounds. A lot of people that head for p90x is more looking into for toning and building muscle and strength not weighloss itself. Nutrition should be your number one. I recommend it, definitely. But don't get too discouraged your first round if you don't see the results you are expecting. Pace your self, stop when you know you need to, then try to build up the next time. That's the fantastic thing about it is you can go your pace and eventually you'll be flying right along with Tony ;)

    Diet is hard for me since I'm a cook in a kitchen and cooking after work is just tiring. But I feel like if I focused enough on p90x I could do well. I can't run at all, I mean for a minute but I have Asthma so I choke and gasp a lot... but losing 29 pounds in 2 months and feeling better really appeals to me. My goal is to lose 40 pounds currently.

    P.s. I accidentally declined your request... I rerequested you.
    I also have asthma so I feel your struggle there. That being said , p90x will definitely take a toll on you. But once again, pace your self and make sure you keep track of everything when you and if you do it. That will help you build reps and last longer through the circuits. I believe it is definitely worth it if you dedicate yourself to it fully ❤️
    Question: do you think I should start off with p90x or with a lesser routine first??
    You can most definitely purchase this and modify the workouts that best suits your level of intensity, and increase as you feel you are ready. Challenging yourself will get great results but don't over do it. You know your body best and if it doesn't feel right lessen the reps or time and try again the next time. Build your self up.
    I shed a lot of my weight by dance fitness, running and getting my eating habits under control.

    What kind of dance fitness?? I wanted to join a cosplay dance group or make my own but I'm anxious I will let people down
  • M_Izod91
    M_Izod91 Posts: 25 Member
    M_Izod91 wrote: »
    M_Izod91 wrote: »
    M_Izod91 wrote: »
    I am currently doing it now. I have had it for awhile and my first go round with as mentioned above was awful. It was very upsetting, and I was more discouraged than any thing. I changed my diet, started building up more strength and running and walking treadmill everyday I lost ten pounds in 2 months just from that. Now that I'm on my second round of p90x it is much more doable and have lost a total of 37 pounds. A lot of people that head for p90x is more looking into for toning and building muscle and strength not weighloss itself. Nutrition should be your number one. I recommend it, definitely. But don't get too discouraged your first round if you don't see the results you are expecting. Pace your self, stop when you know you need to, then try to build up the next time. That's the fantastic thing about it is you can go your pace and eventually you'll be flying right along with Tony ;)

    Diet is hard for me since I'm a cook in a kitchen and cooking after work is just tiring. But I feel like if I focused enough on p90x I could do well. I can't run at all, I mean for a minute but I have Asthma so I choke and gasp a lot... but losing 29 pounds in 2 months and feeling better really appeals to me. My goal is to lose 40 pounds currently.

    P.s. I accidentally declined your request... I rerequested you.
    I also have asthma so I feel your struggle there. That being said , p90x will definitely take a toll on you. But once again, pace your self and make sure you keep track of everything when you and if you do it. That will help you build reps and last longer through the circuits. I believe it is definitely worth it if you dedicate yourself to it fully ❤️
    Question: do you think I should start off with p90x or with a lesser routine first??
    You can most definitely purchase this and modify the workouts that best suits your level of intensity, and increase as you feel you are ready. Challenging yourself will get great results but don't over do it. You know your body best and if it doesn't feel right lessen the reps or time and try again the next time. Build your self up.
    I shed a lot of my weight by dance fitness, running and getting my eating habits under control.

    What kind of dance fitness?? I wanted to join a cosplay dance group or make my own but I'm anxious I will let people down
    I use and follow DanceFitnessWithJessica. If you have not already check her out on Facebook.
  • jvs125
    jvs125 Posts: 223 Member
    If you eat a lot and cardio is not your friend, maybe consider Body Beast? It's focused around weight lifting, cardio only once a week and you get to eat a lot of calories!
  • Chrissy100883
    Chrissy100883 Posts: 22 Member
    jvs125 wrote: »
    If you eat a lot and cardio is not your friend, maybe consider Body Beast? It's focused around weight lifting, cardio only once a week and you get to eat a lot of calories!

    How rough is it? Also I'm looking for results relatively quick. I mean I have about a 9 month goal period but I'd like to get started soon
  • Andrea2316
    Andrea2316 Posts: 6 Member
    I know people that have had great results with p90x, personaly I cant handle any "get fit in (1,2,3) months!" programs. I believe that fitness should be a long term thing, a habit rather than a one season fling. so these super intense programs, while they can work are really hard to sustain in the long term. If you use a program to get you into the habit of being active than good for you! but I highly recommend finding a sustainable workout schedule and diet. For me its working out 3x per week for 20-30 minutes and eating 1100-1400 calories.
  • lady_ghost
    lady_ghost Posts: 175 Member

    I did p90x3 which is the 30 minute version which lasted me an hour cus I had to press pause often in the beggining lol. I was grossly obese like maybe 230 pounds I lost 40 pounds with that program in 3 and a half months It was hard and I failed at first but then I got better. Now I'm doing 21 day fix extreme. I'm not ripped but now I'm not obese. The only issue I had is with their diet, they told me to eat a lot of calories and I had to cut back by a lot in order to see results. In fact all of the beach body diet plans are just too much calories for me so I don't follow them I just follow what MFP says about how much I should eat.
  • M_Izod91
    M_Izod91 Posts: 25 Member
    Yes, said above your health and fitness isn't a 3 'month program, but if you have the will and the want you will continue your fitness journey and make it a lifestyle. A lot of people fail after these programs because they think oh ok I'm where I'm at then completely stop putting in the effort and slide back where they began. One step at a time girl and you will figure what is best suit for you. Figure what you feel is best for you and your goals. If you feel that it is to extreme start with somewhere less intense and if you feel your ready then try it out. I started out by walking/running everyday. Then dance fitness and then I started p90x. I do not follow p90x as the program is set. I have certain discs that I love so I keep doing those and then continue on with my other workouts.