binge eating - helping each other?

Hi guys,

I'm a 21 old girl; I got normal weight but I'm suffering from bad binge eating attacks. As I absolutely don't want to add more and more weight and I'm hating myself for losing control that often I'd like to try a restard for the new year. I'd be very glad if someone here would like to try and beat binge eating together. It's hard to struggle all alone with these issues and I get absolutely no support from my family who still buy loads and loads of the food I'm eating all night long (they can resist. but they don#t care that I can't)...


  • dmmfox
    dmmfox Posts: 45 Member
    I'm with you! It's my biggest issue. I love working out. I eat mostly healthy. But I often feel like I have no stopping point.
  • PeachesNcreamgal
    PeachesNcreamgal Posts: 357 Member
    I feel sane and in control when I am eating veggies and fruits. I eat 1 chocolate and their goes my self control!! If I could beat this I'd reach my goal weight faster!! Kudos to people who lose 100 pounds under a year I can't even lose 20 kgs!!! #sad!
  • elleske
    elleske Posts: 23 Member
    I struggle with this too in times of stress! Going to school, working, and raising a family makes me feel almost continuously stressed!
  • reemalzayed116
    reemalzayed116 Posts: 2 Member
    I swear me too I lost before two months most of the weight that I have gaind I do intense training crossfit eating healthy but yesterday & today I've lost it comoketely
  • reemalzayed116
    reemalzayed116 Posts: 2 Member
    We can achieve our goal if we just set our mind get away from the distraction if chocolate or candy made us eat with non stop we should avoid it for the meanwhile We can do this guys we are all the same but I always feel its the end and we start all over again lets think in a different way really instead of chocolate I have a sweet tooth lets eat two apples or two kiwis really or protein bars
  • jenmek
    jenmek Posts: 61 Member
    I'm with you guys. I lose 145 lbs on weight watchers, became an endurance runner and embraced clean eating. The clean eating eventually caused me to binge. My binging has gotten out of control. One "bad item" and I'm off track.

    I'm now maybe 50 lbs overweight and absoutely miserable. I've developed plantar fasciitis and that has crushed my running.

    I'm lost after 5 years of overall success. I need a community. Hope I can find comraderire here.

  • ErikH14
    ErikH14 Posts: 7 Member
    I have a similar problem. I can control myself most of the time, but once I get bored I start looking for snacks. And there are times I can't stop eating once I start, especially at dinner when there is something I really like.
  • annaclaireblack
    annaclaireblack Posts: 63 Member
    I'm with you. I will control myself for months but the thought is always there. I always want to eat and eat and eat. I love to eat. I probably ate 8000-10000 cals today and I wasn't hungry even once. Im sick to my stomach and want to keep eating. I'm scared I'm going to reverse all my weight lose. We can help each other! I'm here for you.
  • MrsMixie
    MrsMixie Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you very much for your answers! It's so great knowing that there are other people who share the same struggle and that we're not alone! What are your goals? What are your most likely binge foods? Are there typical situations when you usually binge? For me it's like with Erik and elleske, when I'm in stress or simply because the food is there. I know that there's nuts and chocolate in the bottom drawer of my desk and when I'm doing stuff for university even though I'm concentrated, suddenly there is the thought of "I got food" and then it's like the sweet stuff is calling me :) Like peaches - once started I just CAN'T stop. It's also often very bad when I start eating rolls and bread. As I'm from Germany, we eat lots of bread here but I started changing my breakfast etc. to yoghurt or curd (?? is that the right word??) and that is much better. But when I'm staying at my parent's house and everybody eats fresh warm rolls I start too and then there's the urge to eat as many carbs as possible and I go on with lots and lots of cookies... And when I started bingeing I only stop when I'm WAY too sick to get anything else inside me. Like Jen my goal would be to start clean eating again and not harming my body so much by stuffing it with such bad things. As dmmfox said, there simply is no stopping point. Let's try to not even start it!
  • MrsMixie
    MrsMixie Posts: 3 Member
    I just started a new group. It's calles Bye bye binge!
    Maybe that's an opportunity to stay connected and help each other? Share tips and stories - successful situations or not successful situations and beat it together?