Exercise Tips!!

I have trouble exercising as I cant afford gyms, any ideas to exercise around the house?


  • kathrynthomas5
    DVD's are great. I have just completed the 30 day shred and can't believe the results. It was only $15 Australian. There are heaps of exercises you can do in the lounge room - even if you don't have any weights. Lunges, squats, push ups, planks, tricep dips, sit ups, etc etc. Best of luck.
  • mutch23
    mutch23 Posts: 1 Member
    Best thing I found is exercise DVDs (Davina McCall all the way!) and the Wii Fit. "Just Dance 2" on the Wii is brilliant for getting me up and dancing and the Sweat Mode burns calories like you wouldn't believe! (Best thing about being in the house, we can close the curtains!)

    If you can't afford a Wii or don't have one already, a step aerobics board does the trick just as well. A "rebounder" or trampoline is the best exercise for your whole body. Anything to get a sweat built up! Vigorous cleaning also burns loads of calories! Lunge with the hoover!

    I bought the Army Fitness Guide from Amazon not so long back and did most of the exercises out of there. It gives you great examples of how to do the exercises and what to do, so you know you're doing them right.

    But don't let anyone fool you! Jogging or running may not be the best exercise to do when overweight as it puts unnecessary strain on the joints! If you already have sore knees, why aggravate the problem! Swimming is the best bet for that.
  • schninie82
    schninie82 Posts: 502 Member
    Go get urself a couple of Jillian Michaels DVDs from eBay...also choose a 2 mile route near your home and go for a jog!! Good luck with ur decisions!!