New Here and Loving It

Hi, I'm Cathy, and am from BC, Canada.:flowerforyou: I just joined a few days ago and love this site so far. It's easy to navigate, easy to find the foods I want to enter into my daily food diary, and it's been great as inspiration to keep going. My sister has been on here for a while and suggested we get back on track diet-wise and to join this site. So far I've been losing great and I hope to keep up the motivation by establishing small, attainable goals. I need to lose close to 160 lbs total, but let's get to the first 10!



  • TrueCowboysFan
    Cathy, good luck and much success on your journey. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like. We can all use the encouragement and motivation from others.
  • whiskeywhisper
    Good lucky Cathy, my friend suggest the site to me after I lost my way and put on another 3.5 stone. I have just entered my first part of my diary tea and a banana... I hope my friend nags me so I remember every day.
  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 806 Member
    Welcome to My Fitness Pal! :smile:
  • missysmission777
    missysmission777 Posts: 82 Member
    Welcome to MFP! It's a great place for positive, encouraging, loving, caring people that truly want you to achieve your goals. Feel free to add me if you like. :drinker:

  • candis30
    candis30 Posts: 17
    Welcome! This site is awesome. I've lost 53 pounds so far and trying to lose my last ten. Add me if you want. We're all in this together.:)
  • cdrappier
    cdrappier Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement gals! So far things are going pretty well, but I really miss chocolate! We promised to be really good this first week and to try to avoid anything 'bad' like chocolate and sugar (my weaknesses) but I'm hoping to learn to enjoy the 'bad' in moderation eventually because I really do like my treats! LOL
  • bearsfan68
    bearsfan68 Posts: 85 Member
    Welcome to the site. Wishing you the best on your journey. Feel free to add me. The support on here is great.
  • geekymom57
    geekymom57 Posts: 176 Member
    Welcome! I don't post much, but I do log every day using the Android app. It's really a great site/tool and I appreciate having the detailed food logs to use with my dietitian to help assess (with my physician) whether my thyroid meds still need adjusting. Even my dietitian says that for my calorie intake and activity level, I should be losing more, so that's helping me keep from feeling as if there's something obviously different/more I could be doing to speed things up.

    In any event, the main point of this post is to suggest that you not completely avoid your "favs," such as chocolate. I have found that if I have one small piece of good chocolate (e.g., a Lindt truffle, Ghiradelli square, etc.) it completely satisfies my chocolate craving. I might break it up and mix it with the dry cereal mix that I might have for a snack on, eat it in the afternoon during a lull at work, etc., but it helps me feel as if I'm not completely depriving myself of what I enjoyl.
  • kerrylou150
    Missing Chocolate? Try Emerald's Cocoa Roast Almonds. 1 oz = 150 cals. All the joys of peanut M & M's but none of the guilt. Plus, you get heart healthy fats, protein, fiber. I use them as my daily afternoon snack at work when all the other ladies are having vending machine treats. They fill me up for a few hours until dinner. I truly believe they were heaven sent to keep me on track.