140 lbs down 20 more to go

Hi! I used this app a couple years ago and it helped me break through my plateau. Im back at it again and trying to lose my last 20 lbs. I started at 310 years ago (bad pregnancies and bad food). I've come this far! Time to cross the finish line!


  • BeHappy2
    BeHappy2 Posts: 15 Member
    Fantastic !!
  • PrayerQuest
    PrayerQuest Posts: 2 Member
    Started using MyFitnessPal (iPad app) about 3 months ago. I was at 245 lbs and am now at 220 lbs. The progressive but slow weight loss has been on purpose in the hopes that my eating habits will change the longer I am on the plan. My target is 180 lbs.
    Today I added a FitBit Blaze to the scenario, which MyFitnessPal syncs with through FitBit's app.
  • Jazzercise2017
    Jazzercise2017 Posts: 2 Member
    Started using MyFitnessPal (iPad app) about 3 months ago. I was at 245 lbs and am now at 220 lbs. The progressive but slow weight loss has been on purpose in the hopes that my eating habits will change the longer I am on the plan. My target is 180 lbs.
    Today I added a FitBit Blaze to the scenario, which MyFitnessPal syncs with through FitBit's app.

    Thats so great! Congrats on the loss so far! I bet you feel much better :)