Goal for 2017 8st loss

Hi all I'm currently enjoying boxing day by eating whatever I want, drinking whatever I want and it feels good. Knowing tomorrow I'm starting my journey to loose 8st.
I'm the heaviest ive ever been at at 17+ stone (I'll know exactly tomorrow when I weigh my 'start weight'
Has any body got this much weight to loose?, or in the process of loosing alot of weight?
Any tips?
I've got T25 and Insanity dvds to start this process and once I have got the right running shoes im starting C25K


  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    edited December 2016
    My main tip: don't have a date as part of your goal. That just leads unnecessary frustration, especially when the time limit is quite aggressive like yours is. Slow and steady will get you there. Weight loss isn't linear so watch your weight trend over weeks and months rather than your day-to-day weight.

    112 pounds is 2.15 pounds every single week until your reach goal. Two pounds per week average is fine at your starting weight but not through to your goal weight. As you lose weight, the rate of loss will get slower because smaller bodies use fewer calories and so you can't have as much of a calorie deficit.

    I've lost about 120 pounds (8 stone 8 pounds) in 22 months to get to my current weight of about 165 pounds (11 stone 11 pounds) and I figure that it will take 6 months or more to lose another stone.

    My second tip: concentrate on your calorie intake just as much as (or more than) your exercise. Exercise is great and quite helpful to burn calories and for your health. However, you won't lose weight if you consume more calories than your body uses so you need to follow your calorie intake closely.

    Start by logging your calorie intake for a couple of weeks. You can then look back through to see where you might eat smaller portions and/or make lower calorie substitutions. IMO, the closer you stay to your normal way of eating, the easier it is to sustain a calorie deficit.
  • LittleMaid17
    LittleMaid17 Posts: 76 Member
    Thank you for your reply x
  • wayne2017
    wayne2017 Posts: 26 Member
    Am wanting to loose about 8 stone.