3rd times a charm right?! - more active friends wanted

I am looking for more friends that post often. I like reading statuses, stories, updates, etc... and my feed has been missing that. So feel free to add me!

This is my 3rd time really trying to lose weight. Started this journey back in 2015, lost about 15 lbs, but then my mom suddenly got sick and passed away and I stopped taking care of myself. A year later I started over, lost 25 lbs but somehow slowly fell off the wagon. Now I'm back, after gaining 30 lbs back... down already 10 and feel more mentally prepared and in it this time than ever. I have about 100+ lbs to lose.


  • jannerbirdy75
    jannerbirdy75 Posts: 4 Member
    Hiya feel free to add me. This is my third time over as well so hopefully we can keep each other motivated
  • Bridgit1971
    Bridgit1971 Posts: 1 Member
    Please add me too! I have tried this program (along with a zillion others) many times over the years and can't seem to get in a groove. I am ready to get on track and make changes for a lifetime instead of trying to make it a quick fix.
  • muffinsandcakes
    muffinsandcakes Posts: 333 Member
    add me y'all <3
  • LittleMaid17
    LittleMaid17 Posts: 76 Member
    Feel free to add... im definitely getting active daily.. already done my T25 for today (Altho not logged yet as to busy reading this forum while my son naps on me) so only person active atm is my son as he actively snores on me.
  • ayala47129
    ayala47129 Posts: 82 Member
    Just started! feel free to add me, I am starting today and trying to be super active
  • Donna46s
    Donna46s Posts: 13 Member
    Feel free to add me guys I'm. 46 and have 90lbs to lose
  • misserin122
    misserin122 Posts: 106 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • Mommyof3CrazyBoys
    Mommyof3CrazyBoys Posts: 42 Member
    You can add me. I just started back and I am looking for some supportive friends.
  • Oh man I can't even count how many times I've tried to lose weight, today is day 1... again lol I actually post selfies on instagram while leaving the gym to keep myself accountable, even if I don't have a big following I still have a few friends that are like "HEY WHERE IS YOUR GYM SELFIE???" Feel free to add me, I don't post much in here though aside from my food and workouts :)
  • jenn11411
    jenn11411 Posts: 45 Member
    Add me, I'm starting over again for the 2078371815th time!
  • McKay85
    McKay85 Posts: 60 Member
    Feel free to add me, too! I've started this a million times, but I am more committed than ever this year. With grad school almost behind me and a more positive job, I feel like I can finally take care of me. I'm not exactly sure how much I need to lose, but 100lbs is the minimum. I may not post everyday, but I'll keep up with my diary and try to post on my lunch breaks.

    Feel free to add me anyone who is definitely needing to lose significant amounts of weight! Support is crucial!
  • Naina149
    Naina149 Posts: 16 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • Godan2b
    Godan2b Posts: 57 Member
    You can add me if you'd like. Tomorrow is day 2,070 in a row for me so I guess I'm doing more than just looking around by now ;)
  • legalsec1234a
    legalsec1234a Posts: 12 Member
    please feel free to add me. today is day 2 of myfitnesspal journey. I have 165 pounds to lose and welcome all friends!!!
  • davidupperton6627
    davidupperton6627 Posts: 24 Member
    Morning Langel,

    Really sorry to hear about your Mum. My weight has been creeping up over years, pretty much since I started working in jobs that involve lots of entertaining. Problem is during holidays etc I can control things as it's my food but as soon as Jan 4th comes it's going to be way more difficult. I'm trying to be realistic and only targeting 25lbs in the first instance. Will be posting and looking for friends to support and will do what I can to encourage too!!

    Dave x
  • KerrySmilesmfp
    KerrySmilesmfp Posts: 13 Member
    Add me.... Kgsmp I know what you mean if helps to be "in it" and need the support of MFP real people working it! Good luck :)
  • cillarodz91
    cillarodz91 Posts: 46 Member
    Thats funny! Glad to know im not alone who has been trying for like the billionth time!! Is that even a word? Lol well you know what I mean. Day 1 for me today. Feel free to add me :)
  • Bellipong
    Bellipong Posts: 27 Member
    Add me if you like. I can give/receive support. I'm a vegetarian with about two stone to lose. Tired of all my excuses! Good luck everyone .
  • CaliforniaAJ
    CaliforniaAJ Posts: 196 Member
    Add me too :smile: I am at the end of my weight loss journey and going into maintenance after losing over 70lbs this year. I am active and love to be busy. I will log my food & exercise and daily comments on here to keep me honest and I will continue to encourage & support my MFP friends, who are close to my heart.