gained a pound!

fishflower13 Posts: 11
edited September 29 in Health and Weight Loss
I couldn't believe my eyes this morning. After sticking to the 1200 calorie limit and HUNGRY, I didn't lose, I gained a pound. Just over 1 week and I have not cheated. Sugguestions anybody?



  • MissWait
    MissWait Posts: 160
    Have you been drinking plenty of water? I find that water is really important when you are trying to loose weight...
  • Muscle weighs more than fat, so if you are exersizing regularly you will most likely GAIN, but lose inches. Drink 1/2 of your body weight in Ounces of water every day! :-)
  • hipsgalore
    hipsgalore Posts: 204 Member
    don't worry about that. I weigh myself in the morning after a pee. It usually says I'm up by 1-1.8 lbs, but then I lay down and weigh myself again an hour later. most of the time, strange thing, that 1-1.8 lbs is gone when I weigh the second time. maybe just some weight fluctuations, probably isn't "real".
  • springtrio
    springtrio Posts: 429 Member
    Is your lady friend visiting? That could be it. Bloat is a you know what. I stick to 1,200 a day and actually gained overnight I'm assuming due to bloat (especially since I didn't even meet my 1,200 cals yesterday - wasn't hungry and went to bed early).
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Go to the loo and reweigh. This is exactly why I think people should only weigh once a month.
  • LoriIAM
    LoriIAM Posts: 73 Member
    There's a lot of factors that go into weight loss. Water is one. Maybe you're retaining water. Muscles are another. I heard that muscles weigh more than fat, but I'm not sure how that affects the scale. Have you been measuring? Sometimes you can lose inches instead. I do know that you must not let yourself get discouraged!. If you're sticking to it, the weight will come off. Patience is the most difficult part of this journey. Be patient with yourself. Personally, I lean heavily on Jesus. He never lets me down.
  • kngarber
    kngarber Posts: 227
    Make sure your sodium is low and like others have said LOTS OF WATER!!!!!!!
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    I agree with the consensus here....muscle weighs more than fat, water weight can be a killer, weighing in once a week is plenty! Also it looks to me like you've only been working on this (this time) a week? Give your body at least a month to get used to the new routine. If you are hungry, your body may be saying "we'd better hang on to this extra material" but eventually it will recognize that it is getting enough nutrition and be willing to let it go. Be patient! Stick with it and you will be successful :)
  • Probably not enough. I will try to do better. Does coffee and iced tea count as water?
  • 140heidi
    140heidi Posts: 2
    Take measurements - waist and hips. But if you've been ready hungry, maybe the calories you're taking in aren't quality ones. Up your fiber and most of all relax! The weight will come off!!
  • rtmama
    rtmama Posts: 403 Member
    If you are hungry then you might not be eating the proper foods. Are you eating filling whole grains, beans, fruits and vegetables?

    Plus, you've only been here a week? That's not enough time to expect a huge loss. Keep going and see what happens next week....and if you are still hungry and eating good healthy foods, then your body is probably telling you that it needs more calories, especially if you are active and working out.

    And truthfully, people here are just speculating. If you want good advice, then you will need to make your food diary public so we can see what's really going on. But that is up to you.
  • CCLadyBug
    CCLadyBug Posts: 40
    Hang in there! I've heard so many times that coffee and tea do not count. You need the water to dissolve and remove toxins, fat, waste, etc from your body. You wash everything else with water, right? :smile:
  • I will give it a month. Thanks for the encouragement. And, I have been jumping on the scale every day. I know that is wrong but I want to see progress.
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    Muscle doesn't weight more than fat!

    I hate it when people say that.
  • Hylidae
    Hylidae Posts: 2
    Hi there!

    I'm fairly new to this site........I joined because I saw my sister have such good results using this to get rid of her baby weight. I'm not sure how to help you either with the 1-pound weight gain cuz I'm having the same trouble. I am actually eating very very healthy so I'm finding because I am eating very healthy I can consume quite a lot of food......... I'm having a hard time eating the amount of calories that I'm alloted because I am not hungry. A lot of the time I am under my caloric intake & I'm gaining weight, even though the website says "if you continue eating this amount you will way this much ----", however the website says I'm suppose to be losing weight even though I'm under calories, but the opposite happens on the scale.

    Are you eating the amount of calories you are supposed to? Are you exercising as well?

    Is it a big no-no to be under your caloric intake because I certainly do not feel I'm putting my body through starvation mode because I am NOT hungry. I'm frustrated too!
  • No, I have not been eating the right foods. Will go to the grocery today to get want I need. My calorie limit of 1200 goes by too fast when I get a bagel with peanut butter for breakfast. That is half of my allotment. Lol
  • Bless your heart, no visit from "lady friend". Hasn't stopped by since 1988. And I don't miss her!
  • So true...
  • I haven't told my Bible study group that I started a diet because I was afraid of failure and didn't want them to know it if I couldn't succeed. But, I think your are right, maybe they can pray with me for this goal. Thanks
  • mojojd
    mojojd Posts: 2 Member
    I understand how you feel. I have been measuring, weighing and eating 1200 calories or less. 45 days, no real progress, And I run 25 miles a week. And I only need to lose 5 lbs! Menopause may be a big part. The app doesn't adjust calories based on age. I am thinking 1200 may be too high for those of us on the other side of the change.
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