No Resolution• No miracle. Just hard work



  • NoResolution
    NoResolution Posts: 20 Member
    Who's ready to lose 70+ pounds?! Let's do this together! No miracles, just hard work. No excuses.
  • char71165
    char71165 Posts: 65 Member
    I sent you a friends request. I am on the journey of losing 190+. I have dropped 7 already!
  • vjinder
    vjinder Posts: 2 Member
    Here there, i am on my mire than half way trough, you can ask anything at anytime lost 55kg so far only 20 something more to go. N yeh its only work hard no pills, no powders no nothing.... But yah start the change from you kitchen first only then the hard work pays off.
  • DomCraigKing
    DomCraigKing Posts: 103 Member
    Just been out and set a new record on the bike, 15.4 miles..bloody knackered now but glad I have done it. This weight is going to go and hard work is the only way to make it so.
  • DomCraigKing
    DomCraigKing Posts: 103 Member
    Good morning everyone, what a lovely crisp winters morning it is too !

    I am really pleased with Myself, stuck to My regime throughout the holiday and managed to move another 3lb's off..what a wonderful wake up that is.

    I know that together is better so sharing My success story with you all in the hopes that it motivates you go go harder, do that bit more and get where you want to be.
  • ussabine
    ussabine Posts: 1 Member
    Im in.
  • DomCraigKing
    DomCraigKing Posts: 103 Member
    Hi all, just back from the new years break with My parents, first day I have been able to exercise in 2017 proper.
    30 minutes on the bike and I shaved 11 seconds off My time for 10 miles ! Managed to get it down to 29.48 so I am really chuffed.
    if I can do this so can all of you, join Me and everyone else here and lets get fitter, healthier and happier. >:)
  • DomCraigKing
    DomCraigKing Posts: 103 Member
    Another 9 miles logged, come on everyone hard work pays dividends. No one else here ?
  • Trawnagal
    Trawnagal Posts: 19 Member
    I'm in the gym e.v.e.r.y. day.
    Just started working out with a trainer, need to up my game a bit.