new-ish :)

Hi all,
I've been an MFP for a while now, but haven't been really active on the boards or with my weight loss. Today is the day to get serious and change my life around. I am about 5'6 142 lbs. At my wedding in April I was 134. Since being married, I've started a new job and put on nearly 10 lbs in 2 months! Its stressful and I binge... not to mention I'm working 12 to 14 hour days which make it hard to get to the gym on weekdays. Anyway, I'm tired of making excuses and I'm ready to make the change. I need deal with the stress in a more productive way and get to the gym when I can. Just need some buddies and motivation!


  • Anya1982
    Anya1982 Posts: 22 Member
    My name is Anya and I am nearly your weight/high:)
    I got married 2 years ago and put on around 20 lbs since. Very embarassing. Just joined today, hoping I am going to get a friend and stop talking about loosing weight with my husband:) who had enough of those types of conversations:)
    Hope we can encourage each other and be strict when the other is getting too relax about it:)
    See you:)
    By the way, I had my son 8 months ago and that is partly the cause of my over weight.