Starting over with MyFitnessPal, need motivation and support

Hello, My name is Allison. I had started MFP in 2013, and through the website and APP, I was able to lose almost 40 pounds. I kept off the weight for about a year, and then through a combination of depression, changing careers, and a cancer scare, I gained it all back, plus an addition 20 pounds.
I know that I need to lose weight, and my goal right now to get down about 3 or 4 sizes for my sister's wedding next September. I need any and all help getting motivated to get back into the swing of things.
Anything can and will help. Cheers!


  • manther88
    manther88 Posts: 213 Member
    Add me!
  • atowinram
    atowinram Posts: 8 Member
    edited December 2016
    Wow, any one of those would be a challenge, much less all three! If you need a buddy to shout out to when you are frustrated, feel free to add me!
  • romogaleano
    romogaleano Posts: 3 Member
    I also started in 2013 , then lost a very close relative and things went down hill , not easy to stay motivated , not easy at home with a house full of kids.
  • Fluffie8u
    Fluffie8u Posts: 13 Member
    Add me!! Start off the new year with lots of motivation!! :)
  • mishcarroll
    mishcarroll Posts: 5 Member
    I feel ya !! I'm back too. Hahah but this time, for good. Let's do it !!! Xo. The smallest steps count.