Opinions on "Shape-up" type shoes?



  • NOLA_Meg
    NOLA_Meg Posts: 194 Member
    I think it depends on what your feet need and how you walk. They can be bad for you if you are a pronator or have tendon problems. I will never wear them because I have a problem with my achilles due to a deformity on my heelbone. My cousin is a renowned pediatrist and discourages her patients from wearing them and my aunt recently had to have surgery because they aggravated an existing condition and she had to be off her feet for months.... if you're going to walk around the house and yard it might be ok but if you're going to do any extended walking/running I would recommend being fit for a proper shoe at a trusted sports store in your area where they watch you walk/run and see how the shoe supports your foot.
  • Numanumanum
    I found a pair of shapups made by Danskin @ Wal-Mart for $10. I could not pass them up since I've been wanting to try a pair. Today was my first real walk in them... well so far, they are one of the most comfortable pair of shoes I've ever had and I do feel the backs of my calfs and thighs burning. We live a the bottom of 2 hills and went up them both ways.... I feel encouraged that at least one part of my body is getting a workout for a change.
    Now to just find something I will enjoy for the rest of me.
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    I have two pairs of the reebok run tones ( love them) and one pair of the easy tone ( those I just like).
  • JoceyyySmall
    JoceyyySmall Posts: 155 Member
    Someone at a fitness store told me they only help about 11% which isn't a whole lot, but I am still very skeptical. I feel like over time your body will get used to it as with any form of exercise. The guy who talked to my friend about the shoes also explained how all the major brands didn't put out a tone up shoe. Its really only sketchers and reebok who have something out. For example Nike doesn't, but usually when something is very marketable and working well all the brands will come out with something similar to have under their name, but like I said Nike hasn't. So I thought this was true it made think. I personally wouldn't buy them because well if you just worked out for 10 minutes longer or gave 10 percent more effort well then there is what you have from the shoe. I say invest in a nice pair of sneakers. But if you think they will work its your decision.
  • dieselbugparrot
    When I first got mine I thought what have I got myself into. Shoes that not only come with instructions but a dvd(workout-it's okay), these might be too complicated for me. At first my feet did hurt but you are only suppose to wear them for so long until your feet get used to them. Then after that they are wonderful. The problem with them is they lose their bouncy too fast and if you continue to wear them after it's gone you can start to walk funny. You have to replace them faster than normal tennis shoes. At first you feel like you will twist an ankle but you get used to them and then you stop thinking about that. You definitely shouldn't do anything active in them. I ran and played tennis in mine, very bad idea, thought for sure I was gonna twist an ankle. I really liked them while they lasted.

    Now I'm wearing Reebok DMX Max, they are kinda like the Reebok Easytone. You can't play tennis in these either. The pads underneath are too grippy and make it hard to move fast. But for everyday, they are great shoes.

    I don't recommend the generic Shape-ups you buy at stores discount-everything in one stores. Some ladies at work bought them and were very unhappy. The soles didn't even feel the same as Shape-ups.

    Overall I liked my Shape-ups best but my Reeebok's have lasted way longer.
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    my mom just got me a pair as her part in helping me get moving. While I`m not sure if they really help tone the are so comfy to wear I have extremely flat feet and normaly have to wear a dr. prescribed arch support in my shoes or my feet hurt so much I can hardly walk. Well with these shoes I haven`t had to wear my supports and I`ve been working out with them on for that last 2weeks now and my feet are very happy. I do find myself stepping higher with them than normal sneakers so that the bottoms don`t rub on the ground so they may be helping alittle in that area too. I will defently be getting another pair when these need replaced ( I have the sketchers brand shape-ups).
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    I have a pair for work, and they are the most comfortable pair of work shoes I've ever had. They really make standing/walking for 8-20 hours on a concrete/tile floor much easier. But for chasing a toddler, well it depends on the toddler. If your toddler is fast and can turn a corner on a grain of sand without loosing speed, forget the shape ups, cause you need a way more solid foot plant that you're going to get with shape ups. You'll end up sliding off the platform and rolling your ankle. If your toddlers more mellow and you can keep up just walking and occasionally jogging, they shouldn't give you a problem.
  • chris0912
    chris0912 Posts: 242 Member
    I have a pair of the Reebox (that I had customized with my nickname and my color choices for an Xmas gift). I definitely notice the difference between them and my "normal" athletic shoes. However, I recently began seeing a chiropractor who has banned me from wearing them, especially while exercising. She also doesn't want me wearing flip-flops, which I live in year 'round!
  • borichfan
    borichfan Posts: 208 Member
    I bought me a pr of Skechers Shape Ups, & i loved them so much that i bought me another pr for work, the white slip resistant ones for the school cafeteria job. I never noticed if they ever toned up my legs or not, i don't think so, but the reason i got them is the thick comfortable padded bottoms, because i have Plantar Fasciitis and the shape up shoes are comfortable for the bottoms of my feet. Also, since i drive a school bus as well, the thick rounded padded bottoms made it difficult to work the school bus gas & brake pedals properly, so i got a pr. of the Skechers Tone Ups shoes to drive the bus in. So i like the Skechers Shape Ups & the Tone Ups. So worth the money especially if you have Plantar Fasciitis.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I've tried them on and felt like I was going to fall over and break my neck. Perhaps I am just uncoordinated or something, but seriously... I felt like I was trying to stand on a rocking chair.

    Plus, I think they are hideously UGLY. All of them - no matter what brand. Ick. But, that is just me being shallow. LOL
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Treat with caution. I bought these shoes, and I ran in them. Bad idea. After a few months of running 3+ miles a day in them, I developed gate related hip issues. After ditching them and buying good running shoes, my hip issues altogether disappeared. I think they are definitely comfy, and good for standing / walking, but please don't try to hike or run in them. Keep your regular running shoes!
  • sarahbeth17
    sarahbeth17 Posts: 100 Member
    I got my reebok easytone's November 2009 and still wear them all the time, it may be time to replace them cuz I do wear them just about every day. Right after I started wearing them I definately noticed a difference in my butt looking better! I can't tell if they work now cuz I'm used to wearing them but when I put on my regular tennis shoes I can tell that they aren't :). I also got the toneup flip flops from payless and I love those! They are better than the skechers flip flops that are made weird. And they look better in my opinion AND they are a lot cheaper!
  • BodyByButter
    BodyByButter Posts: 563 Member
    My husband works at the corporate headquarters of a huge shoe chain (the one that has a carnival type atmosphere). They have made a fortune off of these shoes, but acknowledge internally that they are just a fad. But hey, they're in the business of selling what people want to buy, so they do.
  • InTheRightLane
    Apparently new scientific studies show that these shoes are no better than any other shoes in terms of increasing your fitness. As published in the New York Times on July 13th. http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/07/13/can-shoes-really-tone-the-body/
  • mycatas
    mycatas Posts: 20
    I wouldn't dare wear toning shoes when I walk or run. I can fall on my face just fine in normal running shoes (and frequently do ;)

    My turned-in feet aside, I've been wondering if there will be lawsuits in a few years from people claiming structural damage to their bodies from all the adjustment to their posture with the shoes. I'm not saying that the shoes are damaging, but who knew coffee was hot?
  • Eirhren
    Eirhren Posts: 18
    The first generation shape-ups with the rocker bottom are an ankle fracture waiting to happen. IMHO.
  • bentobee
    bentobee Posts: 321 Member
    I don't have any of the sneaker types, but I have several pairs of Fit-Flops and Shape-Ups flip flops. When I got my first pair I could definitely feel some 'burn' in leg muscles that I usually didn't notice and after my first few long days in them the backs of my legs from calves to butt could felt fatigued in a way that regular shoes didn't do.

    I no longer feel that burn, but I love them because they are SO comfy.