First time dieter--could use tips to lose 13!

SheilaHuff Posts: 2
edited September 29 in Introduce Yourself
:flowerforyou: I'm finally biting the bullet and joining my co-workers and friends on my fitness pal. I've never dieted, and I know I'll suck at it, so I'll take any encouragement I can get. I'm a carbo-holic and I eat when I'm bored. Any takers?


  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    You are me!! lol add me if you want too, we can avoid boredom eating together :) lol
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    You can eat carbs and lose. Welcome.

    If you are truly committed to becoming a healthier you try this:

    Then, there's always exercise - here's another one of my favorites if you really want to change your body:

    And something you need to know about cardio:

    Those are just the basics. But of course, I have a few more tips:

    1) Drink lots of water - don't drink ANY soda - even diet ones

    2) Try to eat 26 grams of fiber a day

    3) Push protein too - I personally like custom setting my macros to 40% carbs, 30% protein, and 30% fat (mine are currently at 35/35/30 though)

    4) Eat healthy fats - fish, olive oil, nuts - you need Omega 3's

    5) Watch sodium (no more than 1500 mg/day)

    6) Watch SUGAR (Sugar is sugar whether from fruit or a candy bar) No more than 10% of your calories from sugar. (Daily calories x 0.10)/4 = your daily allotment of sugar grams in one day.

    Have fun! Add me if you'd like.
  • vdavis_89
    vdavis_89 Posts: 334
    does the 13 mean you are trying to lose 13 pounds? You can do it easy peasy! I used to eat ALL DAY! i have a pretty boring desk job and eating was the only thing that took up my time lol I replaced my constant snakin with water..... today ive already had 5 huge cups.... im talkin like 16oz cups lol I work out ALMOST everyday and Ive lost 13 pounds as of yesterday since June 14 :) if I can do it trust me you can do it too!!!! youve got my support!!
  • glkandoit
    glkandoit Posts: 4
    Hey there, I can totally understand what you are saying. I am also a first time dieter. I have been on my "serious" diet regime now for 2 1/2 weeks, and have lost 3kg already. Because I can actually see on the scales and feel the difference already, this definitely makes a huge difference to keep at it. So the first couple of weeks is definitely the hardest I reakon. My tips would be,

    make exersise regular and consistent in your day
    drink green tea, its a great antioxident, and it works well
    halve your portions of food and be sure to have morn aft even small healthy snack as well as main meals
    get a new hair cut/do, it will help you motivate you in the beginning, well it did me, lol!!

    good luck.
  • Hi. Me too-- I eat when I'm bored, happy, sad--- I eat for all the wrong reasons.

    I'm back this time and I'm REALLY in it. My tips:

    1. Water
    2. Exercise should become a habit
    3. Moderation (don't deprive yourself of anything bc it WILL backfire)
    4. Change your "bad" carbs to "good" carbs (wheat for white)
    5. Quit cokes/sodas (again Water) :)
    6. Plan meals ahead of time (have a game plan)
    7. Keep a record of your food
  • sherrbearr22
    sherrbearr22 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi! Welcome to MFP! This site has been extremely motivating and has really kept me in line and aided me in losing 14lbs so far (I gained after 1st joining and then not logging. Woops!)

    What works for me is sticking to an exercise schedule. Make a non-negotiable appointment with yourself and be consistent.

    I also bought a large water bottle because only having to fill it 2x a day makes it seem really easy to get my 8+ cups of water a day.

    Finally, tracking my calories here is infinitely important to me. Without it, I wasn't realizing how much I was going overboard with my calories.

    Best of luck!

    Oh and I just realized we're both Oregon gals! I am going to send you a friend request :)
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Drop the word "Diet" from the vocabulary and think of it instead as healthy living which will last a life time, instead of something temporary to drop a few pounds. :flowerforyou:

    Lots of great input on this thread!:drinker: <~~water!:laugh:
  • Wow! Thanks for all of the encouragement and ideas for success! I have to say that yesterday as I created my account, I was in a really bad mood. Now as I log on and see some new fitness friends, I'm really feeling quite inspired. Today is day one, and I have committed myself to my first goal of making sure that I drink the required amount of water. I've never been a huge water drinker, so I'll be sloshing around close to the bathroom all day probably. Tomorrow? Who knows--but my husband said " I'll do anything to avoid yesterday's mood!" We'll see, right? Again, thanks everybody!
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