How to get BACK into a weight loss lifestyle

Hello All--

Back in 2011, I used MFP and was able to get down to my goal weight of 130lbs through strict exercise and diet. I used this website as a huge support for my weight loss. My starting weight was 158lbs (I am a 28yr old female 5'9"). I was very happy with my size at 130lbs and was comfortable in all my clothes.

Each year, I am getting closer and closer to my starting weight. I am currenly at 150lbs and feeling very uncomfortable in my skin. I feel pretty down about getting back here. I have been trying to get back to how dedicated I was years ago but mentally I just can't keep it up. I have started and stopped multiple times since. I just go back to my habits. I still run here and there for fun but definitely not enough to cause any dent in my weekly calories and I am just not cutting down my eating enough.

I am a relatively healthy eater so I think my main issue is cutting down on how much I eat. Anyway, has anyone been in this spot-- where you were so dedicated before and then you've been trying for years to get back there? I'm in need of some serious kick to get me back into that mode. I'm starting to think it's because I stopped using MFP as a support group. Any tips would be great!!


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Lifestyle change is the thing you do while losing weight......that you continue to do long after you've lost the weight.

    Find small changes that you can do - basically - forever. Easier said than done. I've yo-yo'd too. THIS TIME I won't make changes to lose weight that I have no intention on doing when I'm at goal.

    Even things like a step goal, or a certain number of veggie servings each day will have an effect (eventually).
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    I have also started many times, and am now working on getting into the mindset, like you are. I find that baby steps are the key for me. I make tiny little goals that are definitely an improvement over where I am but nowhere near where I want to be. Every time I achieve one, I make another little one. We're in this mess forever, and building beautiful habits and behaviors takes time and practice. Don't be in a rush, take your time and do it forever this time! That's what I'm working on. Good luck!

  • 70keri
    70keri Posts: 1 Member
    Wow your story sounds exactly like mine. It's been a long time now since I was super dedicated to diet and exercise. I used WW and it worked good for me then I learned a lot about how to eat. I lost 30lbs. I started at my highest weight of 185 got down to 155 the smallest I can remember being. It was wonderful but getting there was incredibly hard and so mentally challenging. I've started and stopped and lost a few pounds here and there just can't get back to that spot mentally when I had success. Now I'm heavier than I was before 196 wow. Day two of starting working out any watching what I eat. I know what I need to do I just need to do it!
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    I've lost 70 pounds on MFP twice. The first time was "super strict" and fast. It was painful for me and those around me. This time, I'm educating myself on nutrition, portion sizes and fitness, and I took it pretty slow. Much more enjoyable and hopefully sustainable. May try to drop 12 more in 2017 -- at the speedy rate of 1# per MONTH!
  • vicky1947mfp
    vicky1947mfp Posts: 1,527 Member
    djkshdfd wrote: »
    Hello All--

    Back in 2011, I used MFP and was able to get down to my goal weight of 130lbs through strict exercise and diet. I used this website as a huge support for my weight loss. My starting weight was 158lbs (I am a 28yr old female 5'9"). I was very happy with my size at 130lbs and was comfortable in all my clothes.

    Each year, I am getting closer and closer to my starting weight. I am currenly at 150lbs and feeling very uncomfortable in my skin. I feel pretty down about getting back here. I have been trying to get back to how dedicated I was years ago but mentally I just can't keep it up. I have started and stopped multiple times since. I just go back to my habits. I still run here and there for fun but definitely not enough to cause any dent in my weekly calories and I am just not cutting down my eating enough.

    I am a relatively healthy eater so I think my main issue is cutting down on how much I eat. Anyway, has anyone been in this spot-- where you were so dedicated before and then you've been trying for years to get back there? I'm in need of some serious kick to get me back into that mode. I'm starting to think it's because I stopped using MFP as a support group. Any tips would be great!!

    I am 69 yrs old and have had the same problem all my life. I am 5'2" and was at 162 lbs 4 years ago. I got down to 115 but once I hit that weight I started putting the weight back on. I am up 10 lbs and back to logging. It is a lifelong struggle.
    Good luck to you.
  • bhurley100
    bhurley100 Posts: 201 Member
    I'm in the same boat. Baby steps tho. Don't give up!! Honestly, I have been trying to reach daily goals. . . Small ones like 30 minutes on the wii fit. And complete my food diary. It will take time to get to where we want to be but continue with mfp and don't stop trying.
  • bhurley100
    bhurley100 Posts: 201 Member
    Friend request sent.
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    For me it's measuring all the food I eat and coming here to track it. When I stopped doing that back in August is when I re-gained all the weight I lost earlier this year. I do better when I know I have to track what I eat. :) Feel free to add me as a friend if want!
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    I'm 5'9" too. Back in 2012, I went from 170 to 137. Not quite as low as you. At the beginning of this year, I was back at 170 and got focused again and got down to 139. I was beginning to like how I felt again. Now I'm back up to 147 which doesn't sound like a big difference but I feel the weight so much! I need to get back on track too. 130 would be fantastic! Feel free to add me.
  • smzande
    smzande Posts: 160 Member
    edited December 2016
    I'm trying to remember to keep logging on the weekends, even if I'm not eating perfect. I also tend to spiral into more bad eating after a couple days of bad eating. I need to get back on track faster after my cheat meal/s. I'm truly motivated now!
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    I'm also struggling this time around after gaining all my weight back twice. I'm down a pound this month. Good for December but pretty slow. I want to drop 20 pounds. And stay there. Logging is the key for me. Painful and tedious, when I stop and ignore it, I regain. For me it's always been a struggle. Hang in there.
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,449 Member
    Same here - I lost 40 lbs over two years, and put it all back on in a span of 8 months! Ugh!!! But I'm trying to log again, every thing I binge on, and will eventually start to weigh and measure my foods. For me it's portion control. Good luck
  • cooliegyal25
    cooliegyal25 Posts: 3 Member
    Similar situation here. I was on my way to healthy and then let an injury get to me mentally.. Became depressed again and gained all the weight back.. I'm on the road to recovery. Struggling with weight loss but taking it day by day!
  • heatherdavies_1985
    I think there's probably loads of us out there. This is my third time back. I'm looking to lose 20 lbs, in 2014 I lost 20 lbs and in 2012 I lost 30 lbs. This time of year is particularly trying, there's food and alcohol everywhere! But I'm back again and determined to make it last this time!! This time I'm not going to stop logging even after I've reached my goal weight, it's the only way to keep myself disciplined!! Keep up the hard work everyone!
  • jnananamaste
    jnananamaste Posts: 72 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I feel really committed this time, but I've lost and gained the same 20 lbs like 3 times since my son was born. He's only 3. :/ Sometimes I feel like it's out of my if I can't get enough sleep, I have a lot of stress at work or one of my kids gets sick and throws the routine off. BUT I know that just means I have to build coping mechanisms to push through those times, or get back on track more quickly after a rough few days, that correspond with where my life is at during this particular moment (I had coping skills pre-kids that are just absolutely unrealistic now that I have little ones). I'm hoping I can build those new coping skills...but it's a journey for sure. My other huge weakness is maintenance. I feel so great when I hit a goal, and totally let loose. It makes no sense! Hoping to beat that challenge this time too, but it's a tough one for sure!
  • UHKathy
    UHKathy Posts: 10 Member
    I am in the same boat as many of you. 10 years ago, I lost 70 pounds over the course of 3 years. It was AMAZING and I felt and looked so great. I maintained it for several years. Like many of you, I gradually got back into bad habits and am now within 30 pounds of being at 230 again, so I've regained 40 pounds. Today, I made the choice to rededicate myself to healthy eating habits and to tracking every single thing I put in my mouth. That's the only way for me to be successful. Someone mentioned not being able to mentally get back to even wanting to do it - I'm at that point. Anyway, if there is a group formed - or one already - I'll join! I can use all the help I can get.
  • smzande
    smzande Posts: 160 Member
    In think we all need to keep remembering how we've done this before, so we CAN do it again!!! It's a reasonably, workout, get enough sleep, limit alcohol...repeat. It does work, and it's totally worth it!
  • smzande
    smzande Posts: 160 Member
    Join the group Biggest Loser 1/9-3/3
  • xWendyJonesx
    xWendyJonesx Posts: 266 Member
    Im with you, I logged back on here last night after putting on almost all the weight I'd previously lost.

    Anyone feel free to add me, we can do this together.