losing that last 5-10 lbs

Hi there I am struggling to lose my last bit of weight to hit the 50 lbs lost mark. I had knee surgery about 4 months ago and have recovered nicely but my knee will never be the same again. Due to this I find it difficult to do intense work-outs, walking seems to work best for me as long as I do it a lot every day. I try and eat right and do well during the morning and afternoon (always log in my calories) but come evening time it all seems to go out the window. I feel like i still make fairly good choices but since i don't track my calories it may be hindering me meeting my goal. Just looking for a little postive motivation right now, feeling a little blue and words of wisdom from those that can relate is always helpful.


  • erzille
    erzille Posts: 524 Member
    You can do this!...I am working on my last 10! Good Luck!:happy:
  • mimmish
    mimmish Posts: 8 Member
    I can relate more than I can help -- my good intentions for the day seem to melt away after dinner. One thing I've found that does help sometimes is brushing my teeth right after dinner: once my teeth are brushed, no more food. Doesn't always work, but it often does...
  • clrrrr
    clrrrr Posts: 261 Member
    When I started doing this, I had about 15 lbs to lose. I lost 5 fairly quickly and have been stuck there ever since. I suppose I could be discouraged but I continue to try to make healthier choices every day and be honest with myself about what I need to do (eat less fruit, be very vigilant around my friends because in the past our outings have always been my overeating downfall, hit the gym extra hard the day after I go off the wagon--that may not help you because of your knee situation, but you get the idea)...and what inspires me is me! When I look at my new, defined biceps or sexy legs or almost-visible hip bones, I feel healthy and hot and am inspired to make the choices that that girl would.
  • lrraska
    lrraska Posts: 33
    Oh yeah i forgot about that trick, it does help i appreciate the advice....wishing you a happy successful day!!