I see people buring over 1000 cals at the gym

Am i doing something wrong because i usually only born 300-400 and i feel i work hard.


  • Skyblueyellow
    Skyblueyellow Posts: 225 Member

    I burn around 350-400 for a 30-35 minute elliptical workout where I vary the resistance. I don't think I would have the stamina for a 1,000 calorie workout.
  • MrsCoby78
    MrsCoby78 Posts: 14 Member
    It depends on a lot! What exercises, you're doing, amount of time, your current weight, gender, etc.
    My hubby and I workout together, and he'll easily double my calorie burn.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Am i doing something wrong because i usually only born 300-400 and i feel i work hard.

    How long are they working out compared to you? How much bigger than you are they? Are they doing the same sort of workout?

  • rikkejanell2014
    rikkejanell2014 Posts: 312 Member
    Am i doing something wrong because i usually only born 300-400 and i feel i work hard.

    How long are they working out compared to you? How much bigger than you are they? Are they doing the same sort of workout?

    Idk i was like wow over 1000 cals burned.
  • RunningMom1038
    RunningMom1038 Posts: 144 Member
    Many people are actually overestimating their burn, as already stated. Some people are spending a LOT of time working out to get those numbers. Gender and size are also a factor. You aren't doing anything wrong!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Am i doing something wrong because i usually only born 300-400 and i feel i work hard.

    How long are they working out compared to you? How much bigger than you are they? Are they doing the same sort of workout?

    Idk i was like wow over 1000 cals burned.

    I ask because as a male at my weight an hour bike ride at a fairly brisk pace will get me close to 1000. If I either up the pace of increase the time 1000 calories is not that hard for me to get to. However, a female with much less weight than me would struggle to do the same, and would have to put in much more time to get to 1000.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    I can burn 1000 calories in a little over an hour and a half when I run 10 miles.
    Are their workouts compared to running 10 miles?
  • rikkejanell2014
    rikkejanell2014 Posts: 312 Member
    I can burn 1000 calories in a little over an hour and a half when I run 10 miles.
    Are their workouts compared to running 10 miles?

    Yes and stair master and elliptical
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    I can burn a thousand calories hiking for 2 hours up a mountain with an elevation gain of 2000' in a little over 2 miles. Am I comfortable eating those calories back? Hell no. There's too many variables that affect those calorie numbers. To do that same workout on my treadmill would take me all day. Or at least I'd be so bored it would seem like it was taking all day.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I can barely imagine running an elliptical for a full hour at a brisk pace.

    OP, use yourself to compare and improve. 300 calls this week; make your goal to hit 315 calories next week, and so on. It is very motivating to see personal progression and you will surprise yourself six months from now.
  • hotasfire36
    hotasfire36 Posts: 235 Member
    I use a fitbit to track my burn, but yes they can burn 1,000 cals at the gym. I actually walked fast pace outside and only jogged a short distance and burned 766
  • bgreen6252
    bgreen6252 Posts: 7 Member
    Calorie burn is a function of your weight as well. So the larger you are the more calories they will burn. So if you've been at this for a while and have dropped weight your cal burn will decrease.
  • tennileb
    tennileb Posts: 265 Member
    I just skied for just under an hour and burnt 493 calories. I do have days where I've burnt upwards of 4500 calories but that is backpacking 8-10 hours with significant elevation gain. Your are burning a normal amount.

    It's not easy to compare person to person, men will burn more as will people who weight more. You are doing great.
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    1000 cals is possible, based on length, intensity and body size. If its a machine read out, I would bet that it is overestimated.