Transformation journal: mind, body and life

A general group to put down in writing your 2017 transformation plan. Post goal for 2017 (as much detail as u want), how you are going to do it, then update each week. We can vent, give tips and encouragement and be accountable. No excuses, this is the program: conquer yourself! I am 147ibs, fairly fit and will lose 20 ibs of fat by July. Im going to lift more weight, give up sugar, healthy carb cycle each week and up my cardio to 5 days a week. Thats it for now. All welcome. Just put it in writing. Its a brand new year, 3 days to make your plan and commit. I am doing this.


  • stormi25night
    stormi25night Posts: 16 Member
    My plan for 2017 is to tighten and tone everything. I pledge to use my equipment at least 5 days a week and make time to eat right instead of grabbing whats easy. New year new attitude towards my health goals!
  • stormi25night
    stormi25night Posts: 16 Member
    Well... yesterday we went to Applebee's so I had a soup and half a sandwich combo so i ate more than i shoulda but it was so today i must work my bunz harder. I plan on going to the first hour at church then using my elyptical and a kettle bell... friends house for a play date for my daughter then home to do a leg workout... those are my goals for today. Ill be back tonight to tell you if i met my goals.
  • stormi25night
    stormi25night Posts: 16 Member
    Does anyone else come here? If not ill just skip this group... groups have more than 1
  • jjballantyne
    jjballantyne Posts: 20 Member
    Im 6 days in and off to a good start. Not 100% but good. Ive done HIIT cardio 3 times a week, lifted 5 days a week seriously and done some general stretching and walking. Im down 2 ibs since Jan 1st. No sugar of course but not super healthy eating yet. My friend joined my gym so she is new to weightlifting and im helping her get started. I will check in here each week. Next week im planning circuit training. 3 exercises, 3 sets back to back then 4 laps of my gym. Do this 3 times then 20 mins of HIIT. Also cutting out any wheat.