Starting back up again and need some DEDICATED, motivating friends to reach goals with. Add me!

sbk91 Posts: 19 Member

About three years ago, I went from weighing around 350 lbs down to 235 lbs. I reached my original goal of losing 100+ lbs solely by working out and restricting calories 6 days a week for about two years. I had never felt more proud and more accomplished in my entire life. I had maintained the weight loss for the past few years; however, as of the past 6-7 months, I have found myself becoming complacent, not being dedicated and committed to my fitness goals, and I have gained back about 40 lbs. I have come too far to fall into the trap of comfort and laziness to stop now. I want to reach my ultimate goal of 225 lbs... a goal that I was never quite able to reach. As of today, December 26th, 2016, I weigh 278 lbs. I am looking to re-motivate myself to continue on my weight loss journey. I would like to connect with likeminded individuals that are also dedicated and committed to weigh loss and long term results. I am going back to my old habit of tracking all of my foods and working out 6 days per week. I REFUSE to give up on my ultimate goal and I will not stop until I reach it. Lets motivate one another and help each other reach our fitness goals!


  • allmandinger
    allmandinger Posts: 2 Member
    I am in the exact spot you are. I went through all my old posts and have gained 23 pounds over the past 2 years after losing 30. I need to get back to where I was 2 years ago before I became complacent and lazy. I need motivation and determination. Food is my enemy. I started tracking again today. I'm ready to succeed!!
  • sbk91
    sbk91 Posts: 19 Member
    Good to know that i am not alone lol. It sucks having to back track and re-hit goals that I had previously reached before I am able to reach my final goal, but hey.... I guess the ups and downs are what make this a journey. I will be on here and tracking daily, so hopefully we can be an inspiration to one another while we get back to and BEYOND where we used to be!
  • KyanaGetsFit
    KyanaGetsFit Posts: 5 Member
    Congratulations on loosing the 100 pounds. I am looking to lose 100+ pounds myself. I have added you. Hopefully we can uplift and encourage each other through our journeys. :smiley:
  • sbk91
    sbk91 Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you very much. I know you will hit your goal! Let's definitely push each other to make this happen.
  • quirozj1976
    quirozj1976 Posts: 206 Member
    Don't feel down just know that you can do this and their are people in your shoes. Add me for motivation if you like
  • justbntoye
    justbntoye Posts: 8 Member
    Congrats on your 100lb lost. I also lost 100lbs. I got injured and I gained 30lbs back. I'm kinda disappointed, but I am determined to get back. We can do this !!
  • naturallykinky
    naturallykinky Posts: 25 Member
    Hi. I'm in that same boat, I to got settled with my weight loss. I have gained some weight back, and the doctor said I am pre-diabetic. I have three months before I go back to the doctor, so starting 1/1/17 I'll be knocking on the gym door and starting to eat better. Let's motivate each other in the new year!!!
  • melsouth1972
    melsouth1972 Posts: 198 Member
    I gained 5 stone after losing it - I worked hard and lost it again and refuse to gain it back. I run regularly and exercise too
  • inki1975
    inki1975 Posts: 5 Member
    I lost 26kg doing the Weight Watchers combined with going to the gym more and more regularly. At one point I was hitting the gym 6 times a week. Then my work became more demanding and I lost my dad and I stopped going to the gym and also grew complacent with my eating habits - I've been trying to get back on track for two years now, but can't seem to really get motivated. I am now training to be a group fitness instructor at my gym so fingers crossed this will kick start me into getting back in the gym. That combined with tracking and motivation on MFP will hopefully get the kilo's melting off!
  • good2bthaking
    good2bthaking Posts: 325 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. A few years ago I had achilles tendon surgery and blew up to 271 lbs. through hard work and dedication and the help and motivation of friends on this site, I dropped to 197 lbs. Sadly, and through I my own faults, I am here today at 258.9 lbs. I am a retired Marine and can't believe I let my body get this way. I will gladly motivate you and help you. I don't expect any sugar coating. If I don't hold myself accountable , jack me up. I will hold you accountable too. Hope to hear from you. My name is Norman. WELCOME BACK!