Rough Week, Rough Week.

This week my mom offered me a temporary job at her work to help her company move. Anyway we would go get lunch everyday and i probably should have watched what i ate more and i would be over my calorie limit by lunch and then i would try to skip dinner. it was also my dad's birthday and there was ice cream cake in my house. also it was my TOM (sorry guys). also i didnt really get to the gym at all this week.

so this morning i hop on the scale to see the damage i did and surprisingly i lost .5 pounds, probably because i was doing heavy lifting up and down stairs all day. i know i got lucky this time but i am not gonna let this happen again. i just wasted a whole week and i'm trying to lose as much pounds as possible before school starts.

anyway i congratulate all you adults trying to lose weight, it must be hard. luckily i'm a kid so i have all day to work out.


  • bzmommie
    bzmommie Posts: 39 Member
    We all have ruff weeks and every little bit of weight loss helps us get to our goals. Take this week and learn from it...........I learned the other night that a McDonalds McFlurry was not a good treat for me to of had :) But that is what this program is teaching us the things that we can and cannot have or if we want them we work hard for them.
  • portexploit
    portexploit Posts: 378 Member
    When you eat more calories it increases your metabolism. If you eat low amount of calories for a while, your metabolism will slow down, if you eat, it will take that caloric deficit in to account and also speed up metabolism. This is how the zigzagg method was created.