18F been doing this for a while but would like a buddy to keep each other on track

Hey :) I reached my ideal weight but gained weight and need to get back on track. If someone around my age could reach out if they're going through similar stuff, that would be great. I have been dealing with BED for years, which turned into bulimia. Now I have a social life and wonderful friends so that helped those things a lot - but now I'm eating more socially and am around unhealthy food all the time. So there's my back story for ya.


  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    You should seek treatment for you eating disorders. It's very rarely something people can deal with and recover from on their own.
  • animated341
    animated341 Posts: 5 Member
    Not everyone can do that, but I have gotten some help thanks
  • NicoleLDS
    NicoleLDS Posts: 3 Member
    Hey, I'm about the same. 18, and was at my ideal weight (lowest weight) at 14. I'm trying to get back to that, or at least close since I am a bit taller since then. Maybe we could track and lose weight together. I still purge sometimes, but not often like maybe once a month. If you're okay with that, I'm looking for a weight loss buddy too.