Support and encouragement needed...

I fell off the wagon and gained some weight back. Need a kick up the bum!
New year, new start.

I'm 50 this year and do not want to be fat and 50


  • Mtakid5
    Mtakid5 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm studying to become a personal trainer so I definitely willing to help
  • AdamAthletic
    AdamAthletic Posts: 2,985 Member
    Welcome to the MyFitnessPal community Maisie, wishing you a happy new year and an all the very best on an absolutely amazing and worthwhile lifestyle change for the better!

    Give it your all and you'll get the results back in the form of success!

    We all have good days and bad but with the support and friendship that is offered from so many here on MyFitnessPal you'll never be far from somebody that can relate to the difficult, offer encouragement when it's needed and congratulate every success you go through!!

    2017 is your year, YOU GOT THIS!

    Adam, MyFitnessPal Community Moderator