How Do I Control Myself At A Sample Buffet?

camille97 Posts: 91
edited September 29 in Motivation and Support
Tomorrow I'm going to go to a festival with my family where there are free samples of food. Since I have started dieting, this obviously scares me, because it feels like losing control. Does anybody have any tips?


  • Melika80
    Melika80 Posts: 3
    my suggestion is that you should probably work out before you go (I assume you prob were already planning this), and depending on how the place is set up try to do a couple of walk arounds first to see exactly what you want to sample before trying anything and try to stick to only a few things that you REALLY want to try.
    Have fun!
  • barbalari
    barbalari Posts: 43 Member
    I know this sounds gross but try to imagine that the person who went before you hasn't washed their hands after using the toilet! Should make you think twice....good luck!
  • muitobem
    muitobem Posts: 436 Member
    Eat something healthy before you go. That is number 1 rule. For the most part, it's going to take will power because you're going to want to try everything. Don't! Decide ahead of time that you'll only try those things you REALLY want to try. And then, only take a bite and throw the rest away. Don't go back around for more either.
    You'll not sabotage yourself by doing this. The only way you'll sabotage yourself is if you give in and don't stop and then figure, "well, I've messed up so what does it matter if I keep on"? Don't look at it as messing up either. Look at it as this, I've only messed up today, I've beat myself up over it, and now I'll move on because tomorrow is a new day!
  • lknip
    lknip Posts: 3
    I recently had a similar situation with a potluck at work. My big downfall is sugar, if I have any it sets me off eating for days. I let a couple of my supportive coworkers know, I didn't want to have any sugar. Just knowing they also knew made it easier, and knowing they were going to check me me after, made me more accountable. And it worked!
  • I know this sounds gross but try to imagine that the person who went before you hasn't washed their hands after using the toilet! Should make you think twice....good luck!

    I was going to say -- imagine someone sneezed on the "good" stuff -- you know, all the deserts and fatty foods. We all know how gross people are! :-)
  • take a pack of peppermint gum or a container of Altoids with you too. When you have "burned your breath fresh" you'll be less likely to eat something else.
  • camille97
    camille97 Posts: 91
    I know this sounds gross but try to imagine that the person who went before you hasn't washed their hands after using the toilet! Should make you think twice....good luck!

    I was going to say -- imagine someone sneezed on the "good" stuff -- you know, all the deserts and fatty foods. We all know how gross people are! :-)

    Hahaha, this literally made me laugh out loud :) I will definitely keep that in mind, especially since it is most likely true ^-^ Thanks to everyone for all the ideas, I feel much better about having some tasty food now without ruining my day!
  • Eat something healthy before you go to fill you up a little bit and then once you get there you don't have to completely not eat or anything like that, just control your self and let your body talk to you. If it's saying don't eat anymore, but something looks really good...Then just have a couple bites. Hope this helped! Good luck :D
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