Hungry All The Time!!!! HELP

ewebber88 Posts: 33
edited September 29 in Food and Nutrition
I am constantly hungry all the time!!! I was wondering what kind of foods to eat to feel full longer. I can't keep raiding the pantry.


  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Stick to protein foods - Greek yogurt (plain is best, then you can add some stevia and cinnamon) and hard boiled eggs are great snacks.
  • CMcBryer
    CMcBryer Posts: 139 Member
    Foods high in protein will keep you feeling fuller longer. Avoid simple sugars and highly refined, processed wheat products. Plus, it's ok to raid the pantry if you're raiding healthy foods. Just don't go over your caloric goal. I'm never hungry and I barely scrape 1600 calories / day.
  • Shamise88
    Shamise88 Posts: 1
    anything that has alot of fiber in it is great it keeps you full longer and it stops your stomach from growling...cereal fiber one has 15% fiber thats more fiber than really anything else...also oatmeal is high in fiber :)
  • patsyacs
    patsyacs Posts: 1,322 Member
    Foods high in protein help with hunger. Peanut butter or a handful of nuts are good. Granola bars. Foods full of grains too. And crunchy fresh veggies which take a lot of chewing to eat make you feel lesshungry. Try to stay away from sugars.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    HOw many calories are you eating?
  • butterfly1210
    butterfly1210 Posts: 11 Member
    Protein and fiber rich foods will keep you satisfied a lot longer. Think whole grains and lean proteins. Lots of options available. And a good protein bar to keep in your bag or purse is Think Thin Protein bars with 20gram of protein and 0 sugar. I keep those on hand for when I know I'm not going to be able to get a meal in at a certain time.
  • HirutMc
    HirutMc Posts: 2 Member
    I find my mind can overpower my tummy so I had to first believe that some foods were 'satisfying' so I wouldn't follow them up with something else.

    Right now I appreciate carrots,I can eat a half a small bag and then not want to eat at all afterwards.

    I also like the Imagine soups. Some are only 90 calories a cup! I use them as a snack instead of a meal.

    I also find protein is more filling than carbs. So If I'm in the 'I'll eat anything that no longer walks' mode I'll have a slice of prosciutto with loads of carrots, or some canned tuna, or even drink a glass of soy milk.

    Try and find foods that put you off eating, for me it's protein and anything bitter like green tea. Or try and find foods you can have huge quantities of without guilt like cucumbers, carrots etc...

    Hope this helps.
  • Luthorcrow
    Luthorcrow Posts: 193
    The best way for us to give you feedback would be to make your food diary public. Then we can take a peek and give you very specific advice.

    But too echo @BOGmama2010, the first thing you can do is up your lean protein. You can adjust your target percentages under settings. The default on MFP are geared by the USDA which is really just the mouth piece of big factory farms and fast food.

    Aside from that make sure you have not cutting your fats too low. A lot of people on diets get sucked into the idea that fats are bad. Make sure you get at least a handful of raw nuts a day and other good sources of poly/mono fats. Avoid all diet foods, they are just processed junk food with a healthy food label. Stick to lean meats, vegetables, fruits, nuts and things you cook from scratch.

    Lastly, make sure you are eating your greens. They are low in calories, high in fiber and help to keep you feeling full.
  • autumnridge
    autumnridge Posts: 97 Member
    I hope you like raw vegetables because they are low in calories, full of fiber that bulks up in your stomach, and nutritiously great for you. You can eat 1 cup of shredded cabbage at about 20 calories. While proteins may fill you up for awhile, they are higher in fats and calories, so don't stay with you as long. A few almonds can be helpful too, but you have to watch the calories here. A piece of fresh fruit like apples, oranges, plums, pears, peaches is also high in fiber and vitamins, but not full of calories. Occasionally, I will do a vegetarian meal by slicing up 2 zucchini, dicing an onion, dicing two tomatoes, chopping up one or two jalapeno peppers, throwing in a cup full of frozen corn, and sautee in a couple TBSP. olive oil. When veggies are tender, throw in a drained and rinsed can of black beans and heat the rest of the way and it is ready to go. You can also put a sprinkle or two of shredded cheese on top and you have a whole plate full of nutritious, filling, low calorie vegetables. I hope this helps! :flowerforyou:
  • LAYLAH17
    LAYLAH17 Posts: 170 Member
    peanut butter and crackers with a tuna creation simple and does the trick
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